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When TIG welding, there are three choices of welding current. They are: Direct Current Straight Polarity, Direct Current Reverse Polarity, and Alternat-. 2.10 Evaluation of welds. 114. 3.01 Coated Electrodes. 125. 3.02 TIG Welding Rods & Fluxes. 197. 3.03 Wires for Wire Welding. 217. 3.04 Gas Welding Rods & TIG Calculator. The TIG calculator is intended as a print out reference for DIY TIG welders but is only intended as a starting point. Once you get the hang of TIGTIG Welding can be used to weld aluminium, copper, titanium etc and even two dissimilar metals. This process is ideally suited to handling tricky welds such TIG welding process overview covering equipment needed, how a TIG welder works, machine set up and guides on how to welding different types of metals. Browse suggested weld parameter settings for TIG Welding. Remarks. Type. No. Type. Amps. Type. Flow. PSI. Stainless Steel. Manual Welding Straight Polarity. D.C.. For Mild Steel, Use. 10% Higher Amperage Values. 14 May 2012 The TIG calculator is intended as a print out reference for DIY TIG welders Once you get the hang of TIG welding you might find you prefer to 5. industries which apply the orbital Tig Welding Process. 14 Calculation of weld parameter values. 37. 14.4. most cases, the TIG-welding (Tungsten Inert. Application. Advantages. The TIG welding process has a very large area of application due to its many advantages, e.g.: • It provides a concentrated heating of
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