Download Power Integrations, Inc. TNY276PN pdf datasheet file. Energy Efficient, Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range, TNY276PN datasheet, TNY276PN circuit, TNY276PN data sheet Power Integrations, Energy Efficient Off-Line Switcher with Enhanced Flexibility and Extended Power Range, Original, PDF. TNY276PN, TNY276PN ECADTNY276 Off-Line Switcher datasheet pdf provided by Datasheet pdf Search for TNY276. TNY276 Datasheet, PDF. Search Partnumber : Match&Start with "TNY276" - Total : 10 ( 1/1 Page) TNY276PN Power Integrations AC/DC Converters 15W 85-265 VAC 19W/230 VAC Power Integrations TNY276PN Datasheet. TNY276PN Datasheet · PDF No information is available for this page.Learn why TNY276 (TNY274 - TNY280) Energy Efficient / Off-Line Switcher Components datasheet pdf data sheet FREE from Datasheet (data sheet) The data sheet output power table (Table 1) represents the minimum TNY276. 310. 430. TNY277. 365. 460. TNY278. 445. 540. TNY279. 510. 640. TNY280.
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