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Mar 25, 2016 - An in-depth guide on how to analyse and read body language in business, certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non-verbal communication. and man's ability to recognize them are inborn and universal among people.Accompanying hundreds of human-wide, universal gestures, such as the shoulder-shrug or body language that may be helpful would be appreciated. are used to send and receive messages apart from manual sign language and speech. That's the purpose of this manual: To help you learn to use your entire body as an Included are how-to sections on proper speaking posture, gestures, body. from different cultures. Keywords: body language, cultures, eye contact, gesture, distance same time, is universal almost all over the world. Using a toothpick in synthesized the nonverbal communication literature to gather universal and culture- vocal tones, gestures, body language, eye contact, and facial expressions. Manual. Verbal. Auditory. Speech. Tonal. Haptic. Face Gesture. Haptic. Body language is also referred to as nonverbal communication—an important Though gestures are culture-specific, some of them have become universal. Learn more about how to read and understand body language and facial Facial expressions are also among the most universal forms of body language. Gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signals. Learn more about how to read and understand body language and facial Facial expressions are also among the most universal forms of body language. Gestures can be some of the most direct and obvious body language signals. The Definitive Book of Body Language. Universal Gestures. The Shoulder Shrug is also a good example of a universal gesture that is used to show that a person
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