Yamaha T50 and 80 Townmate Owners Workshop Manual book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. This Haynes 1983 -1995 Yamaha T50 & T80 Townmate Repair Manual provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance. Get this from a library! Yamaha T50 & 80 Townmate owners workshop manual.. [Pete Shoemark] This repair and service manual covers 1986-1989Yamaha T50 Townmate and 1983-1995T80 Townmate scooters. Haynes, 1247. Yamaha T50 and 80 Townmate Owners Workshop Manual [Shoemark, Pete] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Yamaha T50 and 80 Feb 2, 2020 - Yamaha T50 & 80 Townmate (Motorcycle Manuals) (Haynes Owners Workshop Manuals) [Shoemark, Pete] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying Oct 12, 2018 -
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