First off, the headline of this article in today's COLDNews should either leave off "Spofford" or add her first name. But when we look at the photo accompanying the article we see a courtroom with Knysz's mother-- and Eric Knysz at the far left. As is noted in the article, Eric Knysz hung himself and died in prison last month. There is no mention in the caption that this is a file photo, so one must presume COLDNews 'journalist' Brian Mulherin's camera captured Eric Knysz looking in FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.
Shoddy lawyering was involved too. I can't see why Ms. Spofford's lawyer didn't take the plea bargain originally offered (a year in the county jail), because now that she has pleaded no contest, you can bet Judge Cooper won't show any mercy and sentence her to the fullest extent he can. She was involved with the murder of Trooper Butterfield after all. Meanwhile, the father who supplied the truck, the gun, and the bullets to his incorrigible son (and would have done the same thing as his mother, if not more) still has only been commiserated with by the justice system. I wonder why that retired police officer gets a free pass? Oops, asked and answered.
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