Attn: COLDNews, Mason Co. Political Parties and Officials, etc.

For those entities in our county that choose to ignore our own community's health and safety issues while grandstanding about Flint's problems which are at least getting some due attention.

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Comment by Buster on February 7, 2016 at 5:47pm
Makes me wonder where he (Kevin b) came up with his information? From what I understand, lead based paint is stable unless disturbed by scraping or sanding. If Ludington is so gung-ho for safety inspections maybe they should executive order some in-home water testing the same way they strong armed the rental unit inspections recently. X, you seem to understand science behind these problems, if nothing else, the fact that the little pm bayou contains such high levels of lead is suspect and would be a good place to start! Mercury is another scary heavy metal which cannot be tested for as easily in the body. Various forms of mercury can "hide" from the hair, blood, or urine tests. These metals can also have a "greater than the sum of its parts" effect on the body as well. Mercury and lead as well as cadmium and aluminum present will make a less lethal dose even more dangerous when combined with another metal. I am afraid we are only scratching the surface here in total pollution in the Pere Marquette basin area. There's an outdated waste water plant dumping Ludingtons "treated" waste back into the PM river.
Comment by Willy on February 7, 2016 at 5:34pm

Comment by Willy on February 7, 2016 at 5:19pm

Kevin Bracizeski's statement is akin to journalistic malpractice. Unless he has proof that the elevated levels of lead in children is caused by "paint" then I would suggest he keep his journalistic mouth shut. This is the kind of reporting that passes as journalism at the LDN. It's not only irresponsible but dangerous. Again we have a false / misleading statements backed up with ignorance and a lack of any verifiable facts. The LDN should stick to reporting sports, weather and the occasional festival, fair or ball drop. 

Comment by XLFD on February 7, 2016 at 1:38pm

In yesterday's Leadington Denial News, Kevin Bracizeski, the same guy who gives us unbiased and complete city council recaps (*sarcasm*), tells us on page 1 of the newspaper that:  "Here (Mason County/Ludington), the problem is lead-based paint in old homes."  This simplistic, and wrong, declaration is reiterated in their Facebook reply above, with the further indication that the water in Ludington and surrounding areas test clean.

How can he claim that lead based paint is the sole reason, when Genessee County had nearly 5% more pre-1978 homes and yet had I/5th the rate of Leadington back in 2013?  When three of the five counties that had no incidence of elevated blood lead levels in kids had a higher rate of pre-1978 homes in their county?

Brasiczeski can affirmatively state with 100% confidence that our elevated rates are due to lead paint, I can affirmatively state with 100% confidence that he's a dangerous fool spreading misinformation to the public.

The PM Lake Bayou is proof positive that we have dangerous amounts of lead in our water.  You wade out in that bayou, you will be stepping in sediments with up to 440 times the reportable levels in lead, and turning up those lead ions into the water.  Yet our city leaders, the MDOT, and the DEQ worked on the Washington Street Bridge in 2013 churning the water up in removing the old pilings, pounding in the new ones sending sediments out and along the PM Lake, then to Lake Michigan.

Is it any coincidence that 2013 was also the same year our EBLL in children spiked?

Comment by AQUAMAN on February 7, 2016 at 1:11pm

This picture would make a great public service announcement in the LDN for the entire public to witness. Would anyone have the gonads to ask them to print it for a week straight, or even a few days? Would the LDN accept or deny it's printing? How about the MCP? Some interesting questions imho.

Comment by jfc123 on February 6, 2016 at 9:43pm

Things there need to happen and need to happen asap! These poor children!

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