City Hall Wages War Against Free Speech Once Again

An interesting 'news conference' took place today at the LPD. I can't wait to see how the other local media cover it. Until then, enjoy their take on it, and continue to speak freely, but do so responsibly.

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Comment by AQUAMAN on September 8, 2016 at 12:01am

This entire episode parallels with the Heather situation a few years ago. A DDA Director went to MC Courthouse to insist a PPO be issued on XLFD for invading her new home, and for inciting others to attack her homestead. NOTHING OF THE SORT, per the MC Courthouse, and many others also being dragged down into her frivolous and paranoid action. Her request was DENIED for the PPO, and she is a complete and total fool for making that complaint to begin with, per the officials and Judge that reviewed this complaint!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by John Doe Jr on September 7, 2016 at 11:29pm

I could give two shits about these lawless pricks who use their authority to stifle those who voice their deceit. I tell it how it is. The ones who threaten this city are the officials, not the people voicing their disgust.

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 7, 2016 at 11:20pm

Be careful right now John, with all due respect. There are powers out here locally watching every move and post right now friend. And this is our USA Now? It's getting to the point of USSR, and most have no Idea of this! Thanks for your support and love for The Torch.

Comment by John Doe Jr on September 7, 2016 at 11:10pm

They all lay in wait until someone says something off color so they can unload their rogue powers. This is nothing more than baseless frivolous cry babies who will use any means to attack someone to make themselves look like angels under attack. Well, they are not angels' They are the most corrupt officials who need to be fired or be put in jail. Disgraceful that they would all break laws yet have those who voice their deceit become victims of their dirty law handlers. This is nothing more than an attack on Rotta by City Council using the rogue police department. The people are disgusting!

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 7, 2016 at 10:50pm

This event of a "news conference" was also a secret, by top officials that didn't want it known by the affected parties. The "agenda" was a set-up, more to come later. Some are over-reacting, for their own personal benefit, and that of ego, and power to the extremes. This is the root of most of our current local problems imho.

Comment by Willy on September 7, 2016 at 9:27pm

Here we go. Do you have any information on what transpired at this news conference?

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