As if MSP Trooper Sammy Seymour wasn't tongue tied enough when he was stopped by the local police for allegedly driving drunk without headlights, he now has his own tongue twister.

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Comment by XLFD on February 3, 2015 at 7:47pm

If the officials involved do not give a story qualified approval, the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) won't run with it.  They make it even easier for the beleaguered paper by already writing the stories for them in their news releases. 

The COLDNews and the MCP won't recognize the injustice practiced on Kim Septrion that night until the city council and county board approve the impending lawsuit settlement details in closed sessions.  Then they will provide the county and city to present a stilted, twisted version of what it was about, making most people detest Septrion even more, even when she is the sympathetic victim here.  This happens every time.

Comment by AQUAMAN on January 20, 2015 at 11:22pm

This all comes down to not only making bad choices, but being an absolutely fabulous hypocrite. Had Seymour got drunk with his sis at home or somewhere else not driving, at 2:19am in the early morning, right downtown Ludington, without even turning headlights on, plus an open container not even hidden or thrown out the window, things could be better for him. He seems to have lost it, mentally, and ethically, of recent. It's too bad, why throw your whole life and career away at such a young age, or any age for that matter? His looks make him appear to be an intelligent and dutiful individual, but his actions speak louder than appearances.

Comment by John Doe Jr on January 20, 2015 at 8:04pm

So, he is a father out making bad choices as well as a parent. Same thing he stood in court against others for as well, don't forget.

Comment by XLFD on January 20, 2015 at 7:03pm

I can respect law enforcement people getting drunk at times, they're human and they have a lot of baggage.

But then when they decide to drive drunk (as alleged here) and violate those open beverage container laws and driving at night without headlamps through the very streets I and my fellow citizens walk, and act exactly like the worst offenders of traffic law you can imagine, and that he has undoubtedly sent others to jail and prison for, then you lose the respect from discerning citizens and he loses the moral authority he needs to do his job.

Comment by Willy on January 20, 2015 at 4:39pm

You torchers have no respect for drunk law enforcement personel. I'm sure glad his name isn't chuck.

Comment by John Doe Jr on January 20, 2015 at 3:24pm

seymour sammy slammy mammy

mammy bammy seymour sammy

sammy jammy uncle sammy

wammy bammy six for sammy

cammy sammy sister hammy

rammy bammy sammy wammy

sammy hammy in da slammy

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