A semi running a red light. I wonder how often this driver does this? Maybe someday he will end up hurting some one.

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Comment by XLFD on June 20, 2010 at 5:30pm
Barry, you're making about as much sense as a guy I know named Blinkie.

Disarm, I joined the fire department to do the noble deeds of firefighting, rescue, et. al., I did not go there to be involved in corrupt local politics. I refused to be a gear in a machine (the city) that is running bad.

I miss the job; I don't miss the politics that had crept into the department from many sides. My goals are boundless, and any change in my lifestyle will still have enough to keep me employed in helping others.
Comment by Barry on June 19, 2010 at 7:06pm
Perhaps the sun was in the drivers eyes so he couldn't see the light.Could that be a possibility?
Comment by Christopher R. Keough on June 19, 2010 at 4:00pm
No, I was sitting on my porch, watched this truck approach the intersection on a yellow light, and picked up speed to try to enter the intersection before red hit. Of course the truck ignoring common sense safefy rules, did not make the intersection in time, and recklessly continued.
Comment by XLFD on June 18, 2010 at 11:51pm
Disarm, I suppose you think Jack Byers should have just looked the other way when the city was allegedly pressuring him to overlook housing codes, retaliating against him, and holding illegal meetings. That we should have left over a dozen stop and yield signs sit beyond the crosswalk, because nobody at the city wanted to move them. That we should allow a police chief to give out confidential and false information to pressure a citizen away from his right of denying responsibility for a traffic citation given out at one of these illegally placed stop signs.

As a firefighter, I served my city honorably and faithfully for almost 8 years; my city's officials did not return the favor. I now serve to hold them accountable and responsible for their actions, too much of which goes against the law or the common good. I find faith in that I am still protecting my local citizens, friends, family, and neighbors.
Comment by Barry on June 18, 2010 at 10:47pm
I have to question,did the truck just start out from a stop at the intersection?I've seen trucks start from a green light and have it change before they get completely through it.The back of the trailer is at least half way through the intersection.Where was the front of the truck when the light turned red?
Comment by Christopher R. Keough on May 16, 2010 at 1:16am
LOL. I agree with you XLFD. maybe some one should send this shot over to the police. Its large enough to get the truck number off it.
Comment by XLFD on May 12, 2010 at 11:11pm
This semi goes through Ludington Avenue (US 10) against a red light and what does the LPD's traffic enforcement division go after? A bicyclist slowly passing a stop sign which has been illegally placed for over 20 years crossing an empty intersection on a back street.

What do they do to an officer who has admittedly drove on the left side of the road in a no-passing zone going 40 mph in a 25 mph residential area in a school zone during normal school hours? Commend his driving.

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