New Basketball Courts Open for Business, June 11, 2024

After a friendly block party dedication, four hoops on a freshly repaved surface saw some use, and just in time. Gus Macker weekend will be here in a couple days, under new management this year down at the beach. These courts are just south of Foster School, in the church's former east parking lot.

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Comment by Willy on June 15, 2024 at 10:48pm

Thanks for the information X.  I thought this might have been an attempt by the City to use more tax dollars to atone for their mishandling of the elementary school closings fiasco when they literally gave away school property and put the tax payers $100 million dollars in debt. I am pleased to hear that this basketball facility was done by a  concerned organization and business who have the best interest of kids in the area in spite of the failings of the authorities.

Comment by XLFD on June 15, 2024 at 12:43pm

This was the church's property, donated and from what I understand the labor and materials was donated by Rieth-Riley and Ludington Paint & Glass.  The LPD has tried to claim some of the glory for this by donating nothing other than verbal support, but they always make the news.  These are actually replacement courts for the ones at Foster School that will be taken down shortly due to the developments at the property.  

City hall and the LPD should actually be ashamed since they recently threw away perfectly good property at Forest Hills conveyed to them over half a century ago by the Cartiers, which was supposed to have been developed into a playground through their agreement, and could easily have had a court or two thereon.  

I agree with the QoS that such public use keeps the kids out of trouble, but I think the people of Forest Hills were so worried about the wrong people going to their pristine area, that they refused to use the gift.

Comment by Willy on June 13, 2024 at 7:00pm

Whose property is this built on and how was it financed?

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