A landmark local business noted for its signature sign gasped its last breath just before this pic was taken. The business to its left was also a victim of the economic downturn.

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Comment by AQUAMAN on May 9, 2011 at 4:23pm
Wish that perch fish sign was going to be outside for everyone to see yet. Trouble is, when the city fathers or county gets ahold of anything, they shove it into a museum or archives where no one can view it again, or a least not without some fanfare/entry fee. I think the Maritime park might be a better place to mount it on a tall pole and light it up at night.
Comment by easymoney on May 8, 2011 at 9:48pm

aquaman, since you remember Tuck's, I'm assuming you also remember the record shop in the building just previos to Tucks. Trying my best to remember the guys name who ran it, but it won"t come to me. I do remember he walked with a heck of a limp do to a berth defect. His first name was Ron, but I can't remember his last name, but his dad had a boat manufacturing co. in town. I bought my first stereo there, made 10 dollar a week payments.

You go back as many years as myself

Comment by XLFD on May 8, 2011 at 4:20pm

The iconic sign is staying in the area, preserved for those who wish to see it, as reported in the 4-7-11 LDN:  "It’s official. The sign from Pere Marquette Sport Center will have a new home in either Historic White Pine Village or the Mason County Historical Society’s new maritime museum at the former U.S. Coast Guard Station Ludington."   My guess is that it will eventually wind up in the latter.

I can still recall the buck posts in downtown Ludville and Scottington.  With the advent of the Ludington DDA and the Scottville Main Street Program (local government encroachment into the private sector) and their policy to not continue this local tradition, the sizable amount of residents and area visitors going downtown to display and or look at the big bucks, now have no such reason to go there and spend their big bucks.

Comment by AQUAMAN on May 8, 2011 at 11:17am
Wonder what will happen to the famous sign out front with the famous Ludington perch on it? Then there was also the famous buck post too where the biggest deer of the season would hang out front for pictures.
Comment by AQUAMAN on May 8, 2011 at 11:15am
The one on the left was PM Sportshop, great tackle, live bait, hunting gear too. We knew it as Tuck's Sportshop as a kid, there since I can remember in the 50's. Over-taxation is forcing many under, that could be alive with smarter city tax officials. I guess they won't wake up until the entire downtown is dead and empty.

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