Comment by John Doe Jr on July 17, 2015 at 10:28pm
This vehicle was parked here for over three months that I witnessed, and after posting this picture and comment this vehicle has since disappeared. Hello Big Brother'
This is probably how the drunk officers get to work they parked their car and some storage lot so that the people don't smell their breath when they come to work time to bring the cars home people when police are doing business at a storage shed no accountability here where's the transparency this is gross negligence of the people's money and property
Look at all these Sheriff and state police cars parked all around the county doing absolutely nothing if these cars were purchased and intended for emergency use they should be used or sold police talk about they don't have enough resources probably because they're scattered all over the county all these vehicles need to be returned to the taxpayers and no other vehicle purchases from now on they can walk ride a bike or skip