Can anyone believe this picture from about 1pm this afternoon? Seeing is believing???? Hope Chief Barnett spying on this forum notes this and closes it off properly for this winter, so no one gets killed, thanks VG for the pic..

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Comment by Willy on February 13, 2018 at 1:16pm

There's actually an Ice Festival for ice climbers along Lake Superior.

Comment by XLFD on February 12, 2018 at 3:29pm

Almost all of the things in life worth doing involve some degree of risk.  I and others actively seek out days when Lake Michigan is extra wavy and have fun diving into and over the waves.  Undertow and washouts can make such fun fatal, but we're willing to take that risk.  People go skiing all the time travelling over 100 mph, which is definitely dangerous, but they love it. 

Willy has the proper perspective, one persons unacceptable risk is another person's greatest desire.  Yellowstone National Park has claimed an average of two deaths a year to 'natural' causes, many more get seriously injured who go there.  But you have to see the geysers and chromatic pools-- noting that if you plan to take a dip, you'll be a statistic. 

This picture shows some risk, but I cannot claim I haven't walked out to end of the icy pier with others when conditions were worse.  At times like this, the worse risk is slipping on the ice and falling, making it about as dangerous as going down an icy sidewalk.  Unless you're getting extra risky, the chance of sliding off into the lake is near zero.

Comment by AQUAMAN on February 12, 2018 at 2:53pm

Those people in this picture are NOT Ice Fishing at all. Loooooook! It also appears the ones on the north side & south side aren't even on the breakwall part, but over on the iceberg. There appears to be about 30'-40' distance between them, the pier is only about 12' wide, so what's up with that? Ice fishermen fish on inland lakes mostly, not the big lakes. Gov't. has it's rightful place and duties, and this example of what would put rescuers in peril proves that gov't. resources needn't be wasted for people with no common sense, yet it does over and over.

Comment by Willy on February 12, 2018 at 7:30am

So, should the police stop people from ice fishing? I think Government should stay out of our lives. This protecting us from ourselves attitude has gotten out of hand.

Comment by AQUAMAN on February 11, 2018 at 11:28pm

And the ice covered breakwall has snow covering the ice, so how can you be sure Willy? You have exray vision to see thru snow? Nope, No One can, and that's part of the point. Also firmly believe that ice is very solid to the core too, after temps. for 2 weeks recently were in the 30's & 40's? What may appear safe can be a disaster waiting to happen, I've had it happen to me, and seen others too fall. By the time any rescue teams appear, the person in the water will have frozen to death too. Is it worth it? Use your telescopic lens for up-close pics I say, else flip a coin on safe return to shore.

Comment by Willy on February 11, 2018 at 9:59pm

Walking on breaking up ice and walking on the ice covered breakwater are two different things. With a thousand miles of Great Lakes coast line I doubt that keeping people off the ice build up near shore is ever going to happen. I don't think it's wise to walk on the shore ice bergs but as you said it's their business and their risk to take. People die every day because they fail to use common sense. I doubt that will ever change

Comment by AQUAMAN on February 11, 2018 at 8:23pm

Well, it's none of my business, right? So, you fall in, due to ice breaking below your feet, now you have to get out. The water is, freezing, and depending on location and ice buildup, the wall to climb is 6'-20' above you. How do you plan to climb that iceberg? And in about 10 minutes before you go into coma from the ice water? Now it's all our business, Coast Guard, LFD, LPD, MCSO, EMT, and anyone else in the area. I know of 3 homeowners that had kids die on the ice bank behind their homes on Lakeshore Dr. due to having fun walking at the shoreline, and all the parents sued. Senseless deaths caused by people not knowing the danger, or ignoring it. So, go ahead out there, and make sure you wear a PFD and friends with a rope too, else, you could wind up a casualty. It's amazing how many people live at or near lakes, and have no idea of the risks and dangers involved, and this pic. is another prime example. Good luck Willy.

Comment by Willy on February 11, 2018 at 4:28pm

I have to disagree Aquaman. People have been walking on pier ice for over a hundred years. I haven't heard of anyone getting hurt except for slipping on their rears. I've walked out there a hundred times just to take pictures. Lighthouses and ice are a favorite subject for photographers. I'd hate to see people be deprived access to the lighthouse in the winter. I would definitely recommend wearing spikes to prevent slipping.

Comment by AQUAMAN on February 10, 2018 at 10:32pm

Please click on pic. to enlarge so you can see clearly the 4 goofy people out there on icebergs, not even the pier.

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