Surfing Lake Michigan - Stearns Beach - Ludi…photoSurfing Lake Michigan - Stearns Beach - Ludi…1 LikeGun free zonesphotoGun free zones3 LikesSheriff wants The Boot in every classroom. C…How absolutely silly... is my take on this. But, people are jumping on the bandwagon for these "Boot" devices.
Instead of looking at the real problems of the cause for people to go on shooting spree…DiscussionSheriff wants The Boot in every classroom. C…1 Like
September 2015
CLA Estate Planning WorkshopeventCLA Estate Planning Workshop1 LikeTransparency VvideoTransparency V2 LikesThis dog is NOT for sale!photoThis dog is NOT for sale!1 Like
August 2015
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April 2015
Ludington lighthouse and ice. MichiganphotoLudington lighthouse and ice. Michigan2 Likes
March 2015
Ludington Michigan seagullsphotoLudington Michigan seagulls1 Like