Global warming computer models confounded as…If there was a consensus of all scientist and climatologists that could agree on climate change and what causes it then I'd be more inclined to have faith in it all.... of course that isn't going to…DiscussionGlobal warming computer models confounded as…1 Likerelay for life 2014 #2photorelay for life 2014 #22 Likes
June 2014
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April 2014
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February 2014
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February 7, 2014 Coach Collins Leave a comment
by Kevin “Coach” Collins
Some of these points are more painful than others, but they’re all spot on.…DiscussionShame that this what America has come too.1 LikeGirl and seagulls at Ludington Michigan's St…photoGirl and seagulls at Ludington Michigan's St…1 LikeSerpico TrailervideoSerpico Trailer1 Like1544966_624573254264481_5174607_nphoto1544966_624573254264481_5174607_n1 Like
January 2014
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Posted on 1/5/2014 2:23:40 PM by workerbee
President Barack Obama and the Democratic Senate are considering…DiscussionSince we'll all be snowed in for awhile, how…1 Like