The Ludington Torch will be participating in a CISPA protest starting at 12:00 AM on Monday, April 22, and coming back in-force at 9:00 PM that day.
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) passed the US House of Representatives on Thursday, when everyone was concerned with Boston and Texas pyrotechnics. If signed into action, the law would allow the US government to extract private information from the internet without a warrant. It would also prevent anyone from suing companies for delivering such information.
“It’s the online equivalent of allowing a police officer to enter your home and start rummaging through your personal files without the permission of a court,”
The blackout is necessary to attract attention, while the most important part is spreading awareness about the disputed law, and possible action against it.

Controls will be in on the site during the time period in question, so if you do feel compelled to post something, it will be held and allowed after 9:00 PM. Thank you and get out the word to those in power and those without power, that CISPA is unacceptable.
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