Has anyone in authority or even parents considered the long range damage caused to children and adults by inhaling the Covid 19 mask fibers all day long. I predict that down the road children will develop chronic breathing problems if not cancer and other fatal conditions because of constantly using these worthless ineffective masks. Also consider that most of these masks come from China. God and the communists only know what exactly these masks are made of and what they contain. An article from the South China Morning Post States "Covid-19 masks ‘cause plastic fibre inhalation – but we should stil.... Does anyone really believe the Chinese Communists?
Sad to say there are a lot of stupid Americans. Along with the microplastic fibers there is also a dangerous mix of hazardous chemicals. Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg Environmental Institute and co-founder of the world-renowned Cradle to Cradle environmental standard has told Ecotextile News that mask wearers unwittingly run the risk of breathing in carcinogens, allergens and tiny synthetic microfibres by wearing both textile and nonwoven surgical masks for long periods of time. "Initial analytical tests by both of these experts have now thrown into doubt the wisdom of whether people should be wearing certain types of masks for hours on end. Particularly schoolchildren". “What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is actually hazardous waste,” said Professor Braungart,"
If adults want to engage in this foolishness, that's their decision but children don't have a choice. This madness has to stop.