Rumors of the demise of the WES are greatly exaggerated

There is some misinformation going around about West End Scheme

The other day Governor Snyder approved $28 million in funds for projects OK'ed by the DNR Trust Fund.

Since the West End Scheme was not on the list of approved projects there is a rumor that it is dead for this year. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The funding was for  projects that were granted LAST YEAR in December. 2015.

This year is a new fight again for the project will either be approved or denied in December 2016.

Don't let this rumor win out.

Please inform everyone that the West End Scheme is alive and kicking.

Hopefully we can drive a stake through the heart of this fiasco for this year.

Our biggest fear should be that the DNR Trust Fund Board looks at Mason County, decides that they haven't given us any money in awhile, and approves this project.

We have to speak out to let them know that the WES is neither wanted nor needed.,4570,7-153-58225_58301-381356--,00.html

It would be appreciated if someone would also post this information on Facebook to Vanished Ludington where this misinformation was believed to have started. Also post a link for the contact information of the Grant Coordinator and the Trust Fund Board.

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Good work and thread shinblind, so true. That online petition that councilor Krauch brought up finally at the last cc mtg. he stated there were about 100 petitioners, and most are not residents of Lud.. That statement is false! Again, lying to the public on the stage of folly. There is over 150 petitioners now, most from Lud., at least born and raised there, that CARE about local activities and drastic changes in the scenery. Krauch and Shay are both in the same boat on this lie, most of the commenters are also from Lud., come to visit or own property here, and have a right for their voice to count in this fiasco as presented. Btw, I think the MDNR Trust Fund is a differing agency than the Grant Section, hard to tell, there is so many divisions and people employed in this overgrown agency.


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