May 2021
Scottville's Soldiers of Fortune and their P…
In the recap of the last Scottville City Clowncil meeting, it was noted that Scottville Commissioner Rob Alway felt compelled to mention at the end of the meeting that "things in the City of Scottvil…
Scottville's Soldiers of Fortune and their P…
August 2019
Good Samaritan, Better Slammer Twin
If the extra $600,000 per year the county taxpayers voted on themselves last year for an extra road patrol unit for the county sheriff has paid off any dividends, it certainly has to be in regards to…
Good Samaritan, Better Slammer Twin
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July 2019
Happy April 31st in Ludington
Everybody in Ludington knew something special was going to be happening this April when Mayor Holman proudly declared that April 10 to April 15 was formally declared as Ludington's first ever Arbor…
Happy April 31st in Ludington
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