March 2024
The Biggest Lie Behind the Ludington Deer Cu…
It's a shame that our city leaders are so detached from reality that they don't realize how important it is for a city-ran park with a campground therein to preserve its natural character. One visi…
The Biggest Lie Behind the Ludington Deer Cu…
March 2023
First Attack: Criminalizing Public Particip…
Twelve years ago, on February 28, 2011 the City passed the Workplace Safety Policy (WSP) by a voice vote on a simple motion at the city council meeting held that night. There had been no previous me…
First Attack: Criminalizing Public Particip…
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February 2023
Ludington City Council Meeting, February 13,…
The Ludington City Council welcomed back annual department reports at their February 13, 2023 meeting, a practice which was suspended during Mayor Steve Miller's term which ended at the end of 2022. …
Ludington City Council Meeting, February 13,…
1 Like
October 2022
Scottville Commission Settles Nine-Count Law…
At tonight's Scottville City Commission meeting, a closed session was properly held by the commission to consider a settlement proposal offered by Ludington Torch founder and chief editor, Tom Rotta…
Scottville Commission Settles Nine-Count Law…
April 2022
Vote for Me, Then Vote Against Me
It may not make a lot of sense to ask for Ludington electors to take the time to write-in a candidate for public office in May and then vote against establishing that public office, but local politic…
Vote for Me, Then Vote Against Me
March 2022
Ludington City Council March 14, 2022: Slav…
The agenda packet for the March 14, 2022 Ludington City Council meeting was deceptive when compared to what was to actually happen at the meeting. The finance committee offered and approved some non…
Ludington City Council March 14, 2022: Slav…
November 2020
Latest Lockdown from Whitmer Ignores What We…
As our governor and her unelected cadre of bureaucrats march out another three week revisiting of a lockdown just in time for the purely American gathering and feasting holiday known as Thanksgiving…
Latest Lockdown from Whitmer Ignores What We…
1 Like
Ludington City Council Meeting 11-09-2020:…
The agenda packet for the November 9th meeting of the Ludington City Council was deceptively devoid of anything that looked controversial, having only one action item. Yet two major issues came up,…
Ludington City Council Meeting 11-09-2020:…
Thankful for an Early Christmas Present on H…
Thumbing through today's mail I found an abnormally-sized letter from Consumer's Energy promising me some good news on the outside of the envelope. Mindful that I hadn't paid last month's energy bil…
Thankful for an Early Christmas Present on H…
October 2020
Ludington Voter's Guide, November 2020
Election Day is coming up quick on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 and unlike any previous election, there has already been several tens of millions of ballots already cast by mail and early voting allowed…
Ludington Voter's Guide, November 2020
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Unedited footage from last presidential deba…
Seems about right ;-)
<a href=""></a>
Unedited footage from last presidential deba…
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September 2020
Local Business Owner Takes on the Bully Gove…
Jordan Warnsholz is a physician assistant and owner of both Primary Health Services in Ludington and the Wellston Medical Center in Wellston. He is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the governor’s…
Local Business Owner Takes on the Bully Gove…
August 2020
2020 Primary Election Guide for Mason County
We introduced the 2020 elections in a previous article this one is centered on those races and issues that you will find on your ballot when you go to the polls this Tuesday, if you haven't already m…
2020 Primary Election Guide for Mason County
November 2018
Ms Marxist Goes To Washington
Don’t Be Fooled
She is the “new” darling of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has the Right just waiting for her next sound bite or tweet so they can make fun of her, but be careful. You’re fa…
Ms Marxist Goes To Washington
1 Like
January 2018
Ice covered Silver Lake, Michigan
Ice covered Silver Lake, Michigan
April 2017
A License to Kill on Her Manistee's Secret C…
Manistee City Council Unanimously Refuses to Release Non-Exempt Public Records on Advice of the County Prosecutor
City Agent's Identity, Incident Report, and Use-of-Force Report Remains a Mystery De…
A License to Kill on Her Manistee's Secret C…