How to win votes and influence elections

Voting machines as used in many MIchigan counties in the 2020 elections can be compromised and votes easily transferred from one candidate to another

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Comment by XLFD on May 9, 2021 at 10:20pm
This video was made this last week, Willy, and this coming week is going to have a hearing of the Bill Bailey Antrim County lawsuit testing its standing, which likely should survive and go on to the next phase. Most of the legal actions going on that are testing the integrity of the 2020 election is focusing less on the machines than this lawsuit is, and by the end of this, we are likely to find out even more so that the machines can be manipulated-- that's not what one wants in voting machines unless you're the manipulator.
We've gotten to the point where you have to 'disguise' videos like this in order for making it so that Youtube doesn't delete them as something that questions the integrity of the 2020 election.
Still not sure whether the election was rigged? That kind of senseless censorship should indicate that it was indeed.
Comment by Willy on May 9, 2021 at 8:07pm
X, is this a recent video or one that was made when the Antrim fiasco was in full swing? I have no doubt the election was rigged but has anyone explained how. The gentleman in the video did not explain exactly how the voting fraud occurred only that he was able to switch information on his machine. The real question is this. Where on God's Earth are the Republicans? If the election was really stolen then where are all the investigations and committee hearings and the prosecution of those that rigged the election? If the Democrats were the Republicans there would be hundreds of deep diving investigations orchestrated by the FBI,CIA, Homeland Security and every other intelligence organization but not a peep out of the Republicans. What a worthless party. They have the power to clean up the elections and make things right but where are they. They also could have stopped Whitmer from wrecking the states economy over this stupid Covid but they are still allowing the female Hitler to keep Michigan down. The Republicans could have opened the State long ago I have no use for them. The Republicans control the House and Senate so when will they get their heads out of their asses. The Republicans are a disease and that's bad but the Democrats are Cancer and that's deadly.

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