Mason County Chief Judge Owned and he walks Away🔵After threatening to have me Removed

1st Amendment Audit in Mason County Mi with @Tater_Salad at the Courthouse. Security allows us in then Chief Judge tries to enforce a misinterpreted MCR 8.115

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Comment by Barney Reinberg on March 19, 2023 at 7:33pm
I've filmed in the Courthouse actually in the court room without any issues. I'm not sure why that went crazy this day.
Comment by XLFD on March 19, 2023 at 11:06am
Yes, JM, they actually went there twice. The first time they triggered a masked corrections officer to restrict them from tinted internal windows, until cooler heads prevailed. They then revisited the jail back when they were in town for the other two locales, and at that point one of the women COs diligently started putting up cardboard and other materials to block the window. It's amusing that they are only concerned about 'inmate privacy' when somebody comes in with a videocamera.
Comment by Janice Masters on March 18, 2023 at 11:40pm
Did you see they went to the jail as well? I’m august I believe.
Comment by XLFD on March 18, 2023 at 10:48pm
If you look at their Youtube page, the audit is their schtick and so going in low key would defeat their purpose. These guys stay in their lawful lane, but they do so visibly and that's why I like their videos. Shortly after this video was made, the courthouse did make more restrictive changes after this incident, they now have metal detectors for folks and x-ray machines for bags. The change may have been caused by this, but there's nothing stopping them from coming back.
I think it does teach some public officials about what they can and cannot do when it comes to electronic recording devices, noting that just a few years back, I would get read the riot act if I brought my scanner in or phone out to record court records. I could freely inspect, but they would gladly make a copy of what I wanted for $1 a page.
Judge Nellis would have did great had he shown more knowledge of the relevant court rule which distinguishes acceptable behaviors in a courthouse and in a court room. Totally different scenarios.
Comment by Willy on March 18, 2023 at 10:02pm
Even tho these guys may be correct on the way they interpret the law, they are fully aware that they will be causing friction when they record their tours of public buildings. Why not walk in with smaller go pros and remain low key and just inform anyone who is concerned about their presence that they are touring the building. I agree that the best way for the occupants of these buildings to handle this type of activity is just be helpful and informative and allow people their right to check out the buildings. One problem with all of this is that these guys may create the fear of some nut jobs shooting up the place. Those camera buffs may cause these public places to enforce tighter restrictions, body searches and metal detection machines. All they need to do is carry a copy of the laws and hand them out when they are confronted. No need to piss people off which is really what they are trying to do.
Comment by XLFD on March 17, 2023 at 3:23pm
In today's video installment, Fricn Media visits the Mason County Courthouse after their visit to Ludington City Hall in February 2022, a video added yesterday. Some alarmed reactions by County Clerk Cheryl Kelly, County Commissioner Nick Krieger (who equates the cameramen to terrorist before running off to call the sheriff), and Probate Judge Jeff Nellis (who tries to shut them down with an inapplicable court rule) shows they are a bit nervous around cameras. Ironically, after the LPD failed their audit in grand fashion, the official who does not lose his mind at all over being filmed is an officer from LPD.

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