As of today over one half of the States in America seem to have had enough time to read all of the unintended/undesired consequences of the bill known in short as Obama care.

Many on the left seem to have felt if they just passed the bill no matter how they had to do it. No matter who they had to bribe. No matter how few many of them even knew all the unfunded mandates passed down to cash strapped states. If they just held together and passed the bill. By the time all the ugliness started to take effect it would be too late.

They underestimated the fact most American's, even ones who may somehow benefit in some way by the bill, Would not want their own children or grand children, to be slaves to the state for the benefits of the few it might help.

The main stream media is still trying to lie and ( promote), not report on the few small things the bill might do such as allow coverage for preexisting conditions. What they do not report is.. There is no provision in place to keep the company from charging more than a person can afford to cover anyone. All of the things we read to be good about this bill could have been fixed with smaller measures done in a legal way with bipartisan support. But a very partisan liberal democratic House and Senate wanted to try to smash the opposition party in a big way while then ( complaining) the Conservatives were the party of no.

My thoughts the Conservatives we know now ,were not the party of NO.. They were and still are the party of Know. We know how businesses work. We know how to make businesses do the right thing in the confines of the U.S constitution. We know simple smaller government is always better than large blotted mindless heartless people making your medical decisions for you. We just Know.

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Then which party is the Know-Nothing Party?


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