Here is a new feature at the Ludington Torch, some unprofessionally done political commentary that focuses on the governing body of a small city called L'on. The full name of the City has been lost over time by the natives always abbreviating it, and the public body "City of L'on" was further reduced to "C' o' L'on", and finally "CoLon" by the citizens. This is satire, so I offer this disclaimer for those that may take offense by not buying my firewood or banishing me from their public property.
DISCLAIMER: The C' o' L'on in absolutely no way mirrors the "City of Ludington" or do the comix presume to factually portray policy and actions of any public body other than the C' o' L'on. Besides incredible resemblances to Ludington's police chief Mark Barnett, mayor John Henderson, city manager John Shay, inmate Sean Phillips, and LDN's mangling editor Steve Begnoche, in name and actual appearance, the characters in these comix do not depict those actual people, their thoughts, their motivations, or their actions.