This is the third in a series of three articles on the candidates who will have their contests decided on the August 7 primary, this amounts to almost all races in the County as everyone running in contested races are Republicans.  The following link shows how to contact each candidate running for office if you have other questions, providing phone, E-mail and addresses of each candidate  Mason Co. Candidates August Primary  Here are the other two E-Forums:  District 5-7   Surveyor, Treas, Dist. 1

These three positions in the title are contested by two Republicans, all were contacted by E-mail twice, on July 5 and 13 with a set of distinct questions.

District 2 County Commissioner:

This district comprises what is the 4th, 5th and 6th Wards of Ludington.  This is a contest between political newcomer Bill Carpenter, and political old timer, Michael Schneider.  Before Schneider lost his seat two years ago to Susan Boes, when he was the head of the Commission, he made a rather negative impression on Torch members:   He didn't even bother showing up for the first forum.

Carpenter looks to throw himself behind "Cultural Economic Development" whole-heartedly while endorsing projects that change our local culture.  Could this be a prologue for running for Ludington Mayor?

District 3 County Commissioner

Hank Wicker-toe-wich faces Chuck Lange in this contest for the district with Grant and Hamlin Twp.  Hank is the chairman of the County Republicans and he came through and offered his answers thusly:

1)     Chuck Lange has served on the County Commission over the last few years.  Hank, what differentiates you from him on the issues that are of concern to you?  Chuck, from what you know of your opponent, what issue(s) might he have that may differ from yours, and why is your position(s) better for the people of the County of Mason?

I am a true conservative. I believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility. I believe that, as an elected official, one should take the time to listen to the people of the community and to act accordingly.

If elected, I will make it a priority to listen to my constituents and serve them to the best of my ability. I will work hard for the good of all of the people, not just the select few.

I will only agree to spend the tax payer’s money when it is absolutely necessary to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the county and its administration.

2)     County Commissioners currently meet once a month for about 1.5 hours per meeting, and yet some have received up to about $20,000 a year for health and dental insurance for this part-time job, and receive a healthy per diem for committee meetings within the county.  Do you think this is fair compensation for the job performed?  Explain.

3)     A current proposal from the Finance Committee looks to eliminate health insurance for all Commissioners who have benefitted from it in the past and instead about triples the current base salaries of the Commissioners up to $11,200- $13,000 and increases per diem.  With the current difficult economic times in Mason County, do you feel this is ethical of the Commissioners to do?  Is $1000 a meeting a fair amount in compensation for the Commissioners?  Explain.

There is somewhat of a misconception as to how much or how hard the County Commissioners work. They do much more than just attend one meeting per month. There are committees which they must serve on and other meetings to attend. They spend considerable time and effort researching and studying the issues that are presented to them (or at least they should). They are stewards of the county and represent Mason County wherever they go and whatever they do.

I did not believe that this position justified the health and dental coverage that was offered them as it is viewed by most as a part-time position. The newly implemented compensation package is still a bit excessive, in my opinion.

4)     Do you believe the County Commissioners have operated with the interests of the public in mind as regards the Lake Winds Energy Farm?  Has Consumer's Energy, in your opinion, received any special treatment from the County of Mason over the course of time since before the Commission developed its zoning policy for wind energy?  Has this process been transparent enough for the people affected?

I believe that the Board of Commissioners did what they thought was in the best interest of the county at the time. Did they act in the best interest of all of the residents in Summit and Riverton Townships? I’m not so sure. There is a very high percentage of those people that are very disgruntled. Many feel that their concerns fell upon deaf ears. Many feel that the wind farm will negatively impact there property values, and/or at the very least limit the number of perspective buyers should they ever chose to sell. I also believe that their health concerns and the setbacks were not fully taken into consideration.

5)     What are the two greatest accomplishments the County Commissioners have been part of in the last two years?

The County Commissioners have done a more than adequate job of preserving the financial stability of the county…..


6)     What two accomplishments would you hope to be part of in the next two years of service to the County?

If elected, after two years I would hope to be able to look back and say that I was an integral component of a board that was responsible for the economic growth and prosperity of Mason County and all of its residents. I would also hope that I will be able to help restore the confidence of the people in the Commissioners which appears to have dwindled in recent months.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your questions,

Hank Wykretowicz

Candidate for County Commissioner,

District #3 (Grant & Hamlin Townships)

Chuck Lange failed to respond in any way.  Furthermore, if you are worried that he may actually vote against wind turbines in his pristine district, he made well known that he would support turbines anywhere in Mason County at the forum, and stridently defended his $1000 per meeting pay.

District 4 County Commission

This may perhaps be the most intriguing race in the County Commissioner contests, Lewis Squires vs. Curt Van Der Wall (both current commissioners) vie for most of Amber Twp and PM Twp.  They are also the most visible, Squires advertising for his chiropractic business, Van Der Wall for his lawn care business during the campaign.  Visible except when they are asked a half dozen questions.  Neither answered the questions, probably because they both bent over backwards to welcome pay raises and wind turbines.  At the forum, they both back-pedaled a little from the turbine issue (don't believe it) and Curt came out more concerned on Commissioner pay.

The Squiropractor came off as annoying to me at the forum for running off a list of chiropractor honors he had received (who cares?), and his involvement with a variety of local public/private groups of questionable worth.  Do we really want a chiropracter heading us, selling us his miraculous cures and manipulations for the County?  What's next, a reflexologist as County Administrator?

I can't help but believe his eleventh hour embracement of transparency is another sham, after all those years of covert zoning and accomodations made for the wind farm behind all of our backs.

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