When it was revealed that the City of Ludington had installed covert surveillance cameras inside their park's bathroom's vents and pointed these cameras inside stalls and at urinals, it elicited very little response from city officials who claimed they had been monitoring bathroom activity for 13 years to cut down on crime. 


And it sure worked: no crime had ever been committed in the bathrooms in those thirteen years, other than illegal surveillance perpetrated by the City of Ludington every day.  Just a lot of people changing and relieving themselves in full view of the city's recording lenses.   

Not that far from the pale for a city that develops a "Workplace Safety" policy that can keep any citizen from a public facility at the City Manager's full discretion.  Then, after it costs them over $30,000 to defend and settle out of court, they amend the policy, but don't fix the problems with it. 

It was leaked accidentally from a Russian official that there were cameras inside the bathrooms at Sochi in the hotel rooms used for housing Olympic participants capable of seeing that some showers were left on and pointed in a certain way.  Will they next decide to write a policy to make certain citizens of Russia unable to enter public buildings without any required reason too?  Let's hope not; that would make Russia's government as bad as our homeland's government. 

Should Olympic visitors smile for the bathroom cameras?


A deputy prime minister for the Games' preparations made a strange statement regarding surveillance in a Sochi facility.

Travelers to the Winter Olympics may have another thing to look out for when staying in Sochi. 

A Russian official let slip that there may be cameras in the hotel bathrooms. 

According to a Wall Street Journal article, deputy prime minister overseeing Olympic prep Dmitry Kozak was responding to the countless press pieces on inferior Sochi hotel conditions.

But by suggesting the media was trying to sabatoge the Sochi Games out of a Russian bias, he let something slip. 

"We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day," he said.

Uh, does that mean there are surveillance cameras in hotel bathroom showers? 

According to the report, Mr. Kozak was taken away before any more questions could be asked. Later, a spokesman added that the deputy prime minister was probably refering to the cameras present during the construction and cleaning of the facilities and said there is no surveillance in guest bathrooms or rooms. A senior official for the contruction company behind some of the hotels also said there were no cameras in the guest rooms.


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