Just an example of how Washington is just an extension of Comedy Central (a little humor in the morning

Some members of Congress apparently don’t like to be reminded about how much debt the country continues to rack up.

During a House Financial Services Committee hearing Tuesday on the budget, two Democrats complained after House Financial Services Committee chairman Jeb Hensarling instructed that two monitors in the hearing room display a real-time running national debt clock.

California Rep. Maxine Waters and Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison both issued complaints about the displays, according to video of the hearing.

“Clearly it is a political prop designed to message ideologically,” Ellison said.

Waters asked that the debt clock not be on display whenever Democrats spoke, Hensarling said during the hearing.

“At the request of the ranking member, the national debt clock will not be put on the screens during Democratic time,” said Hensarling, a Texas Republican.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/26/democrats-complain-about-presence...

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I think the debt clock should be mandatory not only in both the senate and house but in the offices of each senator and representative. We should even require it to be installed in their cars. Something has to be done to get these jerks to do the right thing.

I've found Maxine Waters to be one of the best comedians in Washington


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