I offer this story up to those that believe my FOIA requests on local and state government units are excessive.  A Belding woman, Kimberly Orlich has allegedly made 400 FOIA requests this year alone (that's about nine per week) from the local City of Belding (population:  5752).  This is her right, unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be publicly releasing what she is determining from these requests, so it cannot be readily apparent if she is doing this because she is just extremely interested in what is going on in her city or for some other purpose.

In this article published earlier this year, the Belding Daily News published that city officials were frustrated, and published her various requests for information.  The request's material make her inquiries appear to be directed in a focused investigation, so one could hope the material she has received, and the material that have been denied, are cogent to her understanding of how the City of Belding is conducting their business. 

But it looks as if her curiosity has led to some reaction by the Belding Police, who are often the targets of her requests, as this WOOD TV article shows.  What are your thoughts on what's happening there? 

 Belding police took Kimberly Orlich to jail in Mackinac County on an outstanding civil warrant. In the 13 hours she was in jail, the City of Belding denied 17 Freedom of Information Act requests from her. (Nov. 26, 2013)


BELDING, Mich. (WOOD) - There's no question that Belding officials consider Kimberly Orlich a major pain.

So far this year, they say, she has made 400 Freedom of Information Act requests that they say interfere with operating the small local government.

Then in October, Belding police got a tip, they say, that Orlich was driving without a valid license. That led to a record check that revealed a civil warrant for her arrest from Mackinac County in the Upper Peninsula.

Belding police took her to St. Ignace and turned her over to local sheriff's authorities. In the 13 hours she was in jail there, 17 of her FOIA requests were denied because she was incarcerated

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I must say i am surprised that AMurph made it so long as s/he did in this thread.
What vile person to attack a stranger(Orlich) character in such a public way while having no
Knowledge of that person. Sounded like the Murph has a problem with anyone who does not bow down to the governments heavy handed police state control tactics. While I can agree that if this person is living on welfare for seven years that they should be working first before taking on the task of whistleblowing government lack of transparency I don't feel the need to personally call her names.

Glad to see AMurph was removed for the TOS violation(s).

Our tagline says we "feature the right to speak freely and the duty to do so responsibly", so I will generally be more lenient on people like A Murphy until they make their malign intentions fairly clear by ignoring a warning. 

I can empathize more with Kim Orlich, since I have been similarly affiliated with being on disability and welfare roles by the various trolls we have gotten here over the years, not to mention in the various other counter-Torch websites (like that EyE on Ludington site back in 2012), whereas a FOIA request to any government agency will show that I have not benefitted from any government program.  The critics would never think of doing such a search for fear of costing our government agencies so much money to the taxpayers, LOL.  Actually, they're either just intellectually lazy or just out to spread manure to defame the curious.


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