I am starting a new thread on this so as not to hi-jack another persons thread.


In and excerpt from another Thread Angela Said "

thats how Ludington school system is, I know, I went thru it my whole life - and if you aren't so and so from so and so family, thenu usually get shafted & since his parents work for the school - seems my son will get shafted........ just my honest opinion"


My DH went LAS as well and this is the same statement I get from him. As well as that if your family didn't have the right Money you were not going to get fair treatment or you didn't wear the right Clothes the other students would not think well of you.


My daughter begs to go to LAS. She thinks that certain kids she knows outside of school will be her friends. I try to tell her that the kids will not be the same at school as they are outside of school.


I do see the limitations for her to have a lot of friends here at MCE, there just are not that many kids, her class has maybe 8 girls and she just doesn't have a close friendship with any of them. She has had groups of over for parties but they don't click enough to be bff's.


She believes LAS would get her a bff or two.


Sadly we understand and have discussed that if we send her there we would have to get her weight down, as she is a bit heavy, AND we would have to take her to the mall and buy her all the 'right' clothes.


The problem there is that she isn't the sort to give a crap about the clothes. A person can't just put on expensive clothes and become a yuppie/preppy. The attitude and personality have to be there to go with it.


We have concluded that yes we can dress her to be at the top of the ladder at LAS but her personality wouldn't hold her there for long. She just isn't stuck up.

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A young gravitationally-challenged (PC for 'heavy') lady I know well who graduated last year did the same thing in the middle of her junior year, moving from MCC to LHS (coinciding with a move from Scottville to Ludington).  She also looked forward to getting into the greener pastures of Ludville.

She sounds a lot like your daughter is portrayed.  She wound up with no real, close friends in Ludington and consorted with her old close friends at MCC until she graduated.  It seems that the move clarified her friendships that she had, and she had difficulty fitting into the new system.

Have you considered Scottville's school system?


I have considered that I am not getting up any earlier in the  morning to drive her anywhere! LOL and then to have to pick her up as well.

I was going to ask the same thing. There are actually quite a few in almost all areas of the county that go to Scottville, so it might be possible to car pool or bus with transportation closer than you think.


Scottville bus does go almost to the Lake county line near US 10


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