Tornado season is upon us, and this morning my local news station reported that every county in Michigan has experienced a tornado. Genesee County comes in with the most recorded events, and I was surprised to see that the Mason County/Ludington area has had five touchdowns. Do any of you recall one or more of these storms, where they touched down and the extent of devastation?

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One was a few years ago along Sugar Grove area and US 10 near Walhalla if memory serves me correct
There were several touchdowns then weren't there?
Those storms made the local news downstate because of the widespread flooding. The meteorologist described the storm as having straight-line winds, different than a tornado but devastating just the same. I recall a poster on Ludington Talks describing the aftermath in the park, with fallen trees lying in the same direction rather than scattered about.
No this was closer to 10 years ago. Not the flooding of a couple years ago.
Yes Mason there were.. I remember aerial shots of the area out by Point Sable. I also remember back in my youth another that went through south of Scottville. Fortunately.. we tend to get the little rope like ones that take out a few trees not the 1/2 mile wide things that take out whole towns like in the plains ehh?
The worst torando action in our area was in the Silver Lk. area for many years. Now of recent Ludington has had more than our share too. I had one hit my 800' driveway in Hamlin 10 years ago as I was attempting to move into the new home. It was a hot July day mid-month, I looked it over with a friend to see if we could clear it ourselves. It was a joke. The damage was about 60' wide X 150' long or more. And many of the trees were in the 18"-42" diameter size, some 75' tall. After a long look and rest, I decided to call the insurance co., and sadly had to make a claim of about $4K to get timbermen in to clear the mess. Aint no fun in any event to see them distantly, or have them near.


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