A relative of mine went to a Menards store this week and was greeted by a security guard enforcing the "Mask Law". We need to stop this ASAP. When businesses are forced to hire private security to prevent people from entering and spending money at their establishment, something is definitely wrong with our society.
Some 60,000 Michiganders are circulating petitions to curtail the governor’s emergency powers as Gretchen Whitmer uses them to issue unilateral coronavirus orders.
“Unlock Michigan” is a political organization seeking to repeal a 1945 law Whitmer is using to justify a “state of emergency,” which she has extended repeatedly since the coronavirus pandemic hit the state in March.
If the group collects a sufficient amount of signatures, the Republican-controlled legislature could vote to revoke the law. It would not be subject to the governor’s veto powers.
If the legislature does not vote, the repeal would appear on the November 2022 ballot.
Fred Wszolek, spokesman for Unlock Michigan, said a 1976 law, which allows a governor to act in an event of a natural disaster would remain. An emergency could last, at most, 28 days.
Wszolek told The Kyle Olson Show the group has been collecting signatures for about five weeks and 60,000 activists are helping.