At the request of XLFD. I would proffer the attached as proof that a 35% ROI is a typical ROI for wind turbines.

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Aqua... Every form of energy conversion has good and bad points. I just feel too many people have been scared to death by either the Japan Earthquake Tsunami / man made error involved with those plants. Or too many B movies like "China Syndrome"

The way I see it is this. Isn't less power plants that produce more power preferable to more plants producing less power or more environmentally unfriendly power? At some point I am sure much more friendly forms of power will be ready for prime time. More efficient solar panels. Better storage cells. Hydrogen both generation and fuel cells. Hell A hydrogen gas plant is already online somewhere, its waste product is plain water. At the point these technologies are ready, someone like T Boone Pickens will invest to make them happen, not only because its the right thing to do. But because it then becomes profitable to do them.

Leadership.. as opposed to community organization, is explaining to people why it is that their fears come at the risk of even larger issues, and that life is rarely an all or nothing proposition. Most of leadership is building consensus and compromise. That rarely involves flowery speeches about things we know cannot be done by a simple catch word like change or forward. The Democratic party has reduced its self to a becoming a big  party about small things.

Obama really did have a chance in his first term to do something huge say like a national push for Railway infrastructure as done in Europe. That would have been a real good use of the governments interstate commerce clause. Enhancing our railways alone  could have cut our use of fossil fuels by 25-50 percent of the next decade. You may have seen the commercials of a major rail company stating it moves a ton of freight 100 miles on one gallon of fuel? No one on either side of the political has ever disputed those kinds of numbers.

But not being a leader but a community organizer we got Obama Care. A ill advised over bearing and still possibly illegal use of the federal bureaucracy. Even if you don't believe in the unconstitutionality of it. You cant escape the shear number of people more than >50% who don't like much of its contents.

I know Yucca Mt is ready.. a leader would find a way to communicate to his constituents the reasons why the facility would be a good thing for them. And why the billions spent by the anti nuke crowd are ill advised in this case. Or if they are not ill advised where the storage units should be built and make that happen. Anything less than that from a leader is pandering to special interests and the money Reid says infects Politics nowadays.

Susquehanna one and two up here have been shut down one at a time this year to fix microcracks in the turbines and try to figure out why they are recurring also. The fact plants do get inspected and taken off-line to be properly repaired makes me feel safer, Not less safe. Also let it be noted more than 50% of the NRC shutdowns are occurring for paperwork issues not true equipment malfunctions. These are the kinds of things that make people feel uneasy but are not related to real operational issues at the plants involved. I find this to be ludicrous.

Obamacare WAS a compromise, and in my opinion a bad deal except for the insurance companys who will make fortunes off it.The real solution is a single payer system like other countrys have. Before you go off the deep end about "Quality of care", our current quality of care is way below most large countrys as far as infant mortality, infectious diseases, and so on. So you are right on this one.

I completely agree about Yucca Mountain. It should be something everyone could agree on as well. Even Nevada Politicos.

Obama didn't have a chance at a compromise after the Republicans decided it was better for thier own interests to defeat Oboma, not help the country. You are wrong on THAT one.

The NRC is sufferimg from serious loss of expertise as the old hands slowly move out of the picture. Now keeping your butt covered with paperwork is more important than solving problems. Oh well...the adventure is gone, the memories remain, but we never learn from the past, do we?

Tell me, why are we communicating via a newspaper that is located in a Midwestern town population  (more or less) of 9000 souls? That's not enough folks to fill The Raiders stadium?

My interest is that I was born there and have many relatives who still live there. It's a grand spot to visit in the summer, out for those winters!


Thank God the election is less than seven days away. I can't begin to sort through your volumes of liberal mindset so will keep it simple. Give back the 90 Billion Obama put towards Wind dreams and the nearly Trillion dollars he demands for Obama scare. I am into the Medicare system to the tune of nearly 300 thousand dollars as of June. I paid into it my entire life, in addition to conventional health care premiums for 40 years. You want windmills, socialized health your own. I am cashed out and getting healthy is killing me. Mason County got the Windmills shoved up their behinds (hope on poll day remembered by who) but you can bet this NIMBY will not see them in his lifetime in Manistee/Benzie County. All that Spain, Denmark, Germany crap, is just that, crap. IT DOESN'T WORK THERE but you are so eager to start a thirty year experiment here to fact find. Pay your own utility bills and figure out health care. I'm broke dude.....


Amen brother.

Poor fellow..hasn't worked out as well for you as expected? How can you be "into" Medicare for 300 grand? Is that how much medical expense you have incurred? Or did you have to cough up that amount? If you are currently in the Medicare program, you will see no change, as you are already covered. Obamacare will largely be for newcomers and those that have been denied coverage for preexisting conditions, and folks who have been cut off by their current insurance for exceedin the maximum.

I will be glad to pop for 90 billion, but no one will take my check..oh well, next year? as we Raiders fans say..

Expense incurred. So tell me Bernard...when 3/4's of a trillion dollars is removed from Medicare how will it (Medicare) remain the same? Due to some inept medical care years ago I am no longer able to maintain standard health insurance. So, I paid into Medicare for a lifetime, pay a monthly premium and I should pay for your insurance too?

And then, looking at that so called "cut" in medicare that Obama is responsible for.. perhaps you might like to learn the truth?


Your actually trying to pass off that link as information that disputes "cuts" to medicare? Did you read it?

1."The health care law instituted a number of changes to reduce the growth of Medicare costs. At the time the law was passed, those reductions amounted to $500 billion over the next 10 years. Time’s passage has only boosted that number." [ now estimated at $700 billion]

It says there will be a "reduction" in growth of costs. There are only 2 ways to do that. Less medicare patients or less money to service providers. So which is it? Let's see. It's going to be.....

2."That amount refers to the savings expected from Obamacare’s reductions in growth of Medicare spending over 10 years, primarily paid to insurers and hospitals. Those savings were credited to the health care law to keep it from adding to the deficit."

Yes. Service providers will be paid less. So who will want to take Medicare seniors as patients when they won't be able to cover their expenses with the reduced fees from Medicare?

Here's the kicker that tells me what a bogus source you are using...

3."One other point worth noting: The changes that lead to the projected savings are a result of legislation that was approved by both houses of Congress and signed into law by Obama"

Really, both houses?  They of course are talking about both Democrat controlled houses and signed by a Democrat President.

Really Bernard? Unbiased


The $90 Billion post also was a bogus article below is their final statement

"Our Ruling"

"Romney used the number "$90 billion" five times in the first presidential debate, claiming, "In one year, (Obama) provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world … into solar and wind, to Solyndra and Fisker and Tesla and Ener1."

"That is incorrect in several ways. That $90 billion, as described in a report provided by the Romney campaign, wasn’t provided in one year, wasn’t distributed primarily via tax breaks, wasn’t primarily provided directly to companies, wasn’t primarily spent on solar and wind, and wasn’t spent at all on Fisker or Tesla."

"In reality, more than 60 percent of it was directed to state and local governments and utility companies for energy efficiency, transportation and electrical infrastructure ."

Romney was absolutely correct. Oil and gas get tax breaks. That means they pay less taxes on their own money. He referred to the money "given" to green energy companies and utiliites as "breaks" meaning it was charity from the taxpayers. Again the last sentence answers the question , is this a bogus report?

"In reality, more than 60 percent of it was directed to state and local governments and utility companies for energy efficiency, transportation and electrical infrastructure ."

"Directed" means tax dollars given away to those entities named. Government agencies who handed it out as subsidies and utility companies like  Consumers who received a nice $80+ million dollar check to shove towers up our as_ses.

Both these sources you give for your information are definitely biased.


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