During a break on the first day of the Baby Kate murder trial, I inspected the rear-facing car seat that was Baby Kate's.  I would inspect it two other times and could find no noticeable abrasions on the fabric or frame of it.  In Sean's 'confession letter he states that Baby Kate was thrown from this seat, apparently the frame was not thrown out of the car and onto the pavement the way she was.  It got me to thinking once again.

Ariel testified that Baby Kate was awake when she went to get her stroller, right before Sean took off to go to Wendy's.  Ariel panicked and started calling Sean using the phone of her friend Alaina Campbell beginning at 1:12 PM.  The record shows that Sean's receipt from Wendy's and when he turned off his phone was at 1:17 PM, admittedly to stop it from ringing. 

According to Sean's confession he had gotten his food from Wendy's, went back to his car, started eating, and couldn't move his seat back to get his ringing phone out of his shorts.  The time element does not allow this to happen.  The receipt would be time stamped right when he finished his order. 

Ludington Wendy's is notorious for being rather slow for a fast food, so then we are forced to believe that they prepared the food, handed it to Sean, Sean got ketchup, napkins, maybe visited the bathroom, traveled to his car, started eating,  tried to move the seat back a couple of times, got out of the car to turn off his phone, all in under a minute's time.  That's impossible.

But then there's another aspect of this confession letter that is just highly improbable.  And I'm not talking about the extremely high improbability of a baby getting thrown out of the back seat of a car in between Wendy's and Burger King during lunch time in the middle of summer and nobody seeing it from either fast food restaurant, the parking lot area or the drive-thru of BK.  Given the infamy of this case immediately in the press, you would think somebody would have come forward back in 2011.

What is unlikely is if Sean tried in frustration to move his seat back a couple of times, he would have jarred the car seat significantly, upsetting or reawakening Baby Kate.  Provided Baby Kate was covered by a blanket and hidden, had he pulled at the rear facing car seat after opening the door and found it was jammed between his seat, he would once again have seriously jarred it, distressing the baby. 

Had he grabbed it at the top (which would be resting on his seat) and pulled, as he said he did, the seat and baby  would have been pulled towards the back of the seat.  This presumes he wouldn't have noticed the extra weight of the car seat or the baby reacting to the various jarring actions.  This is just basic physics; the force vectors could only propel the baby outside the open door if he grabbed the opposite side of the car seat.  If you grabbed the top of the car seat resting against the seat and pulled until the car seat got unstuck, anything propelled out of it would shoot towards the back of the seat. 

Just to be sure, I experimented:  I took a rear view car seat, put a doll in it with a blanket covering,  left it unstrapped and put it in the back of a Ford Focus so that it would stick between seats.  The initial tries moved the doll significantly during the unsticking phase, but when the car seat did get unstuck, the doll at worst hit against the backseat near the door.  I could not grab the top of the baby seat and throw her out-- it was physically impossible.

Baby Kate could not be killed in the manner that Sean Phillips describes in this letter, time and physics work against it.  This letter is little more than Sean trying to cover up another scenario for reasons known only to him, and perhaps other accomplices. 

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Replies to This Discussion

Well done X. I think your point about waking the baby is a very valid question. One thing I find puzzling is that if the baby seat was blocking his car seat from moving back and the baby seat was stuck, why didn't he just move his seat forward to make room for the baby seat to be removed, also nothing was mentioned about the baby seat being buckled in. If it had been then he would have had to unbuckled it in order to remove it. Of course it's possible the seat was sitting in the back without being secured. Another thing he states is that the baby thrown from the seat when he yanked on it. Was the baby buckled into the car seat or just lying there unsecured?

From previous Ariel testimony, she wasn't sure whether she secured it when she got out at the DHS office, nor was she sure she had unsecured it back at the apartment when she went to get her stroller.  But she hasn't been consistent in that recollection and I'm pretty sure I know why (more on this later).  If the baby was secured, then it would be totally impossible for the baby to get thrown out since Sean's legs and body would block the opening. 

It would have been smart to move the seat forward, but as I infer, this is a made-up story, Sean's dreamed up scenario that leaves him feeling guiltless, and yet impossible to duplicate because of physics and time elements. 

I believe the baby was killed earlier in the apartment, by one of the two idiots. But, they then together conspired to get rid of the dead baby. Sean, most likely disposed of the baby earlier, and later, they both acted the whole thing out. If he had tossed the baby seat to the ground at Wendy's it was most likely in anger after returning to his car, realizing what they both had done.

I don't know how long you've been following this John, but I believe you are fairly close to the truth, or at least close to the most-likely-scenario.

DR Phil has also proved there is no way Sean would have not known Kate was in that car seat just by the weight. If anyone believes Kate died this way they need a rude awakening.

My take...

I'm quite certain Sean murdered Kate.

At this time... I don't think Ariel was involved in the murder, as she is not bright enough, as devious as, or as evil as Sean.  "At this time"... cuz possibly MCSO, MSP, or FBI might not divulge info on her till they charge her.  I just don't see her sticking to (some of) her words while facing interrogations.  Sean can deceive too well.

I also think we may learn quite a bit more in the next 2 weeks that can change all our minds..........


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