Legion Against Wind Farms Upon Lake Michigan, Our Backyard: A group concerned about the proposed wind farm out in the lake due to its appearance, noise, effect on property values, navigation, cost, environment, birds, safety, and/or etc.
Note the wind turbines juxtaposed in the background of Delacroix's painting Montage. This image is from EPAW, the European Platform Against Windfarms. Those who sit on the fence on this issue may want to check these guys out.
Well, I for one, as a long-time charter capt. and avid fisherman on Lk. MIch. and elsewhere, don't see the benefits outweighing the detriments. For the LONG RUN! and of course the short run right now. Not enuf info. and positives guaranteed the unemployed and distraught here. Just broad/bored brush strokes, maybe SHAY likes them, I for one, DON'T!
Your name is catchy, let's try to get "L'Awful Mob" organized into something that can prevent our elected officials from doing something stupid. Aquaman start looking for a new job if this goes through.
That "investor" person, usually wants the politicos to vote his idea/business into law. As a routine, also contributes heavily into the campaign fund. They told us the PSP would decrease/eliminate our electric bills around mason county 40 years ago too. While it did employ quite a few loals for 7 years or so, at good rates of pay, when the project was completed, those jobs dried up, and our electric bills never changed, except to accelerate. Detroit and Flint take most of the high demand excess storage during the summer heat months.
I see where they are saying Gov. Granny's position is to get alot more wind farms going before she leaves office late this year. I do hope she is not going to take a positive stand on ANY winds farms in ANY Great Lake area. Just the landbound ones are ok with me.
Didn't she promise we would be "blown away" in a few years back a while ago. This 'lame duck' governor (maybe she was hit by a turbine blade) will gain nothing for her legacy by following that path, IMHO. Let wind power be developed w/o so much government subsidies, on a gradual scale.
Important update: The Pentwater City Council did LEAD with a NO VOTE to the wind farms just a few days ago, and set the stage for the Lud. City Council to follow, or be accused of acception of bribery imho. The Scandia Co. has offered a community treasure chest of $$$ to vote them in, and called the Pentwater peeps "defective entities", to show their snobnish intentions to wreck our natural resourse of Lk. Mich. views for eternity. I say Pentwater acted prudently, for the people, and by the peoples wishes. Now, what say the Shay's and Lud. Council, are ya gonna be bribed, like DC and Lanising?, or stand by the peoples wishes?
I read that too Aquaman. The whole debate of late seems to be on our side, that's why I haven't devoted a lot of time to this cause. I am impressed with Esther Karp's activism on this issue, as well as the Pentwater politicos, who seem to be a bit more community-oriented than Ludington's.
I truly don't think the Lud. CC gives a rat's rear about ANY local people. As witnessed by the slander of calling LT peeps cowards by a CC member, one whom didn't even have an opponent in last falls election. His Name? Look up the 3rd ward councilman, CASTONIA! The BIGGEST COWARD on the Council imho. And a fraud at being for anything good, except where it comes to himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Castonia is the Sixth Ward Councilor. Which makes him twice as bad as if he was the Councilor of the Third Ward, I'd imagine. FTR, Castonia has only called members of Ludington Talks cowards. He thinks the world of the Ludington Torch, I hear-- but not too loudly.
Important update #deaux: according to the LDN today, the Scandia Co. is re-proposing the wind farm in Lud., to wit, move the structures to 4 miles offshore instead of 2 miles, downsize the project to ? units, and, to ensure ALL citizens are happy, listen for the vote back from the County Commissions in Mason and Oceana, bypassing the City Councils, like Pentwater's recent NO VOTE. I just hope ALL the citizens go to the mat against this, and let our County Officials know it's NO to these destroying our Lk. Michigan now, and in the future.
Oh, sorry I forgot the most important item: to move the structures northward away from Pentwater, and put them in front of the Ludington Harbor instead. These changes make me even more against the entire project now.
Dec 21, 2009
Dec 22, 2009
Edie Lindsey
Dec 27, 2009
Dec 29, 2009
Feb 6, 2010
Feb 6, 2010
Feb 11, 2010
Feb 11, 2010
Feb 11, 2010
Feb 11, 2010
Feb 13, 2010
Feb 13, 2010