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Yes yes. Of course you can! There are so many softwares and sites that do this for free. The process is called splitting PDFs with a start and end page input. I have a PDF file with 120 pages. How can I extract only pages 20-30 and save it as another PDF file? I am using free version of Foxit Reader. It doesn't May 24, 2018 - It's easy to print out just the pages you want but splitting these pages into a new PDF file First, fire up PhantomPDF and open the PDF file you want to extract. To combine several files into a single PDF: Launch Foxit PhantomPDF. Depending on which Toolbar mode you are using (Ribbon or Classic), your screen might look a little different. A new window will open. At the bottom of the window, select “Merge multiple files Into a single PDF file”. Mar 1, 2020 -
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