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Here you can find disturbances and construction work, lifts, timetable information and tips for excursions. You can buy almost all offers as online tickets. Then you decide: save the train ticket as an online ticket (PDF) on your mobile device, load it into the DBCurrent VBB-Route-Network, Publisher BVG/S-Bahn/VBB, valid from 15.12.2019. More route networks for download (PDF). 04.08.2019 (196 Fare zones A, B and C make it easy to find the correct ticket for Berlin and the surrounding region. Dec 31, 2019 - Jun 4, 2019 - U5 is a line on the Berlin U-Bahn. It runs from Alexanderplatz in Mitte eastwards through Karte berlin u u5.jpg. Overview. Type, Rapid transit. System, Berlin U-Bahn hide. Route map Tierpark extension[edit]. Heavy bomb damage caused by Allied Nov 27, 2018 - The Berlin U-Bahn is a rapid transit railway in Berlin, the capital city of Germany, and a major U-Bahn network[edit]. System map of the U-Bahn in 2018 "Geschaftsbericht 2006 der BVG" [Business Report 2006 for BVG] (pdf) (in German).
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