Anthony Fauci reveals which activities he will and won't do now that he's vaccinated — and indoor restaurants are still a no

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Comment by Freedom Seeker on April 11, 2021 at 5:37pm

thanks, Willy for this post, "interesting crossroads"--what is he, a doctor or a cartographer...?  And will he ever explain what's going on in these crossroads, or just let us guess which road to take?  Fauci is probably afraid to say anything after the conflicting directives on mask wearing

Comment by Willy on April 11, 2021 at 4:31pm

The biggest shift is that he and his neighbors have finally moved the party indoors: "We feel very comfortable in the house with no masks, and we can have physical contact and things like that," he said.But for now, he still won't eat indoors at a restaurant or go to a movie theater."I don't think I would — even if I'm vaccinated — go into an indoor, crowded place where people are not wearing masks," Fauci said.He's not planning any travel, either: "I don't really see myself going on any fun trips for a while," he said.

Fauci's caution, he said, stems from the "interesting crossroads" at which the US sits.

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