Today,exactly 1 week since Labor Day. Last year Sept. 2017 was beautiful, and warmer than August. Many locals want to enjoy the beach and scenery now, not the 3,000 tourists to fight for beach and parking. NOPE! COL wants us OUT!

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Comment by XLFD on September 17, 2018 at 2:07pm

Today the MCP echoed the City of Ludington's Facebook post, which was a copy and paste rehash of last year's lame message.  I guess they believe if this gets repeated often enough most people will actually believe it.  Disagree with MCP and the COL, and you get thrown off their page:

Comment by Du Wright on September 12, 2018 at 5:39pm

P.S.  Bunker mentality is almost a perfect definition:. A state of mind among members of a group that is characterized by chauvinistic defensiveness and self-righteous intolerances of others.  Leave off "chauvinistic" because it seems the self-righteous intolerances was stronger toward a certain male... And add "... Intolerance of others who don't absolutely agree with the group."

Comment by Du Wright on September 12, 2018 at 5:06pm

Ha ha!  And a loaded comment XLFD!  R u testing me like Atty. Benson did or is that comment merely advisory?  Have you seen Manistee's beach wall?

Comment by XLFD on September 12, 2018 at 4:15pm

Concrete barrier?  That shows John Shay definitely had a 'bunker mentality'.

Standing Committee Chairmen have a surprising amount of power.

Comment by Du Wright on September 12, 2018 at 4:11pm

that is .. Manistee's wall, not Minister's!

Comment by Du Wright on September 12, 2018 at 4:10pm

 Interesting concept for a fence, XLFD.  I'm sure by now some thing would be better than these temporary fencings.  I attended  CPRC meeting sometime last fall when John Shay brought up the idea of making a concrete barrier/seating concept to hold sand back similar to Minister's wave Wall.  I'm not sure how good Manistee's wall is working, but it is kind of pretty painted.  Anyway, Shay's suggestion I thought may have been something to consider, but chairman krauch cut the idea off the table.  Another example that the whole council was denied from deliberating.

Comment by XLFD on September 12, 2018 at 11:55am

Aquaman's picture show why I believe the City doesn't think outside a very small corner of the box sometimes.  I still don't understand why the City does not drive permanent, durable posts before or just beyond the curb you see above, at the terminus of each parking line (around 8-9 ft. apart) to use each year as an emergency defense against early autumn windstorms.  With those posts in place, and the fence readily available, it should take only about an hour to mobilize.  The fence could be extra high and a lot better barrier than barrel-supported snow fence. 

In mid-October, it could be put in permanently, along with any other fencing needed on the beach.  In spring, it'd be a lot less work to take down and clean up after.  The posts could also find a myriad of uses during the summer months, not only for emergency deployment of fence against a summer gale, but for advertisement, artwork, a place to lock your bike, a place to hang trash containers from, Gus Macker scorecards, etc.  The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.  But don't imagine parking meters...

Comment by Freedom Seeker on September 11, 2018 at 2:24pm

Your comment, X, compliments the hard working locals of Oceana county who built their towns enduring the ups and downs of economy and still didn't forget the people who have paid taxes for hundreds of years.  The way Mason county was before big city ideas from Boston and Detroit and the like took over.  Speak up locals, take our city back, starting with the city council.

Comment by XLFD on September 11, 2018 at 1:08pm

Pentwater has a better idea.  They plan on having their beach, with a lot of similarities to Ludington's, open to the elements until the end of the first week in October.  Why can't we?  If forecasts predict a storm to have strong winds before then, why can't we have a crew of DPW and volunteers  mobilize the day before and throw down a couple of snow fences?  

Comment by Freedom Seeker on September 11, 2018 at 12:43pm

Let's petition or bring it up to the new manager.  It is a shame that we have to be kicked out of our town (so to speak) all summer because of the congestion, noise and big-city atmosphere and then not enjoy what we pay taxes for.  We need to slow down the DDA's unbridled growth  now (they've done a good job of bringing tourists in).  Now let's enjoy our town,

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