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  • Ludington, MI
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Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Willy Feb 23, 2020. 5 Replies

It was brought to my attention last evening that students in Ludington schools 6th grade are required to watch the CNN 10, a educational news program which supports the Democrats. I was also informed…Continue

Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Inquiring Mind Nov 20, 2019. 4 Replies

Are Vacation rental (Short Term Rental) owners rich?The Ludington City Building and licenses Committee seems to think that people that want to operate short term rental have unlimited funds as the…Continue

Short Term and Vacation Rentals for Ludington.

Started this discussion. Last reply by XLFD Sep 18, 2019. 1 Reply

Short term rental information input meetingWednesday, September 18, 20192 Sessions / 10 am & 6:30 pmLudington Area Resource Center920 E. Tinkham AvenueOPEN DISCUSSION TOPICShort Term Rentals If…Continue

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Willy replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?
"Amen aquaman, on all points. Trump also wants to stop common core."
Feb 23, 2020
AQUAMAN replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?
"I would also add that both religions and sexual persuasions also not be included in youngsters educations at such an early age, nor at all, unless it's religion in a private school type. All this can be independently thought out and decided…"
Feb 22, 2020
AQUAMAN replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?
"Basically, 6th graders are at the age of 11-12 years old. There is absolutely no valid reasoning to have them thinking and involving themselves in the political world yet at all to me, let them learn what's important, the basics of the three…"
Feb 22, 2020
Willy replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?
"Thanks for the post IQ, this is the first I have heard about CNN10. In these days of "fake news" it is irresponsible for any school system to indoctrinate students with newscasts. Not only CNN but any other news agency as well. Years ago…"
Feb 18, 2020
XLFD replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?
"I reviewed several of the CNN 10 videos that were aired around the Senate impeachment hearings and the SOTU address and the bias seemed minimal to me.  CNN 10 has their videos posted online and archived, so one can make the case for political…"
Feb 18, 2020
Inquiring Mind posted a discussion

Are our Children being Politically Brainwashed in School?

It was brought to my attention last evening that students in Ludington schools 6th grade are required to watch the CNN 10, a educational news program which supports the Democrats. I was also informed that at least one teacher who supports the Democratic view is telling the students that the Republicans are keeping children in cages and other comments that are against our President of the United States. I take exception to anyone trying to indoctrinate our children into only one political party.…See More
Feb 18, 2020
Inquiring Mind replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?
"Sec 6-222 states the current Penalty Fines are $250 first offence $500 second offense for all Municipal Infractions. This includes not mowing your lawn. The ordinance is the new proposed ordinance for STRs. It should be on the ludington government…"
Nov 20, 2019
Willy replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?
"Inquiring Mind Do you have a link to the specific ordinance that covers this topic. Is the fine specific to rental property or to all civil infractions in general?"
Nov 20, 2019
XLFD replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?
"Thanks for fleshing out the numbers and giving our readers a better understanding of the inherent problem of having the City skim an extra $1000 per unit off these vacation rentals.  I would add the analysis that if there are 50 more STR units…"
Nov 19, 2019
Freedom Seeker replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?
"You ask some very good questions, Inquiring, and point out examples that seem valid for not really being profitable to the average STR startup. When I read the suggested fees, my thought was "over control" in government. It seems that…"
Nov 18, 2019
Inquiring Mind posted a discussion

Are Vacation Rental owners Rich?

Are Vacation rental (Short Term Rental) owners rich?The Ludington City Building and licenses Committee seems to think that people that want to operate short term rental have unlimited funds as the committee stated at the October 30, 2019 meeting and I quote: Sec 6-222 PenaltyThe Committee discussed the current penalty fines for Municipal Civil Infractions. Currently the 1st fine is $250 and the 2nd fine is $500.  The Committee feels the fines need to be higher as these amounts are low compared…See More
Nov 18, 2019
Inquiring Mind liked XLFD's discussion Inside Edition Features Local Youth's Efforts to Bring Seasonal Cheer to Military, Veterans
Nov 11, 2019
Inquiring Mind replied to XLFD's discussion Masters of Puppets
"Miss Sawyer is truly the real thing when it comes to the compassion she has for the military and our veterans. What most people don't realize is that she will stand for hours in the cold rain just to welcome our veterans home from a Honor…"
Nov 5, 2019
XLFD replied to Inquiring Mind's discussion Short Term and Vacation Rentals for Ludington.
"Was anybody able to make either of the sessions and care to elaborate what went down?"
Sep 18, 2019
Inquiring Mind posted a discussion

Short Term and Vacation Rentals for Ludington.

Short term rental information input meetingWednesday, September 18, 20192 Sessions / 10 am & 6:30 pmLudington Area Resource Center920 E. Tinkham AvenueOPEN DISCUSSION TOPICShort Term Rentals If you're a landlord or landlady don't miss this meeting.See More
Sep 16, 2019
Inquiring Mind replied to XLFD's discussion Local Media Chooses Propaganda Over Pitchforks
"Renters can expect their rent to go up again if this passes.There are only so many extra fees that landlords can absorb."
Sep 9, 2019

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At 10:26am on June 20, 2016, stella kwale said…

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Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.

Mrs Stella.


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