"Very much enjoyed reading this story. Barrier free is so very important for people to enjoy their lives un-stigmitized.
Is there an address donations can be sent to rather than GoFundMe? If so, please let me know."
"Been out of town and missed reading the Torch. Guess it is time to send the public servants of Ludington some Kleenex and and a bobo doll to beat. My advise to them is to embrace business life....this isn't personal folks. You…"
"I believe I once read somewhere that fecal matter floats....typically to the top. Clearly there is a lot of floating going on by very entitled people.
Shock, surprise or even getting more than a "nothing new" feels shameful yet…"
I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.