History of Fishtown, History, Charter Boats. Salmon. John Shay of Ludington

Views: 372


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Comment by Jefferson F. Henry on September 25, 2015 at 7:48pm

AQUAMAN, check your history because I don't know you or have I called anyone nuts; it is a quote.

When did you learn of illegal activity, what was it and what have you done about it? If you watched the videos you should have an idea of what has been done but you choose not to be in the card game. I do not hide behind a screen name I put my name up. If you want to do something about what you think is illegal then do what you can or as I said get on the ball. However what I know is not what you know and it won't be aired here for your critique. For the people of Mason County, watch the videos. It's time to clean up the P.M. Lake Watershed.

The most positive energy is to get on the ball, not watch it go by or allow the government to roll over people. I'm not the ball; if I was it would have been pushed, it was pulled.  JFH 

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 25, 2015 at 3:17pm

Let's see now: you are going to take on the City of Ludington, the MDNR, the Mich. Attorney General, the Waterways Commission, and going to make them ALL back off what they have funded and been doing illegally for over 30 years or more, isn't that correct? And of course, now I'm the one that's Nuts? 

Comment by Jefferson F. Henry on September 24, 2015 at 6:15pm

Transparency V breaking viewing records. When transparency I was first published it was link to the Sierra Club's listserv which accounted for over half of the views. After Part IV I was kicked off from their listserv after membership since their inception in the early 1990's. It's my belief that the government protects municipalities; until now as funding to snoop on private enterprise, CAFO's Fracking and/or wetland/floodplain violations has dropped off for many reasons but no more so than private upgrading and protection of watersheds outside municipalities. Funding to the Sierra Club and others is dropping off. They want their money and the municipalities are in their sight. No need to be puffed up by video count numbers when I know what's behind them. My parents, my wife and I fought to clean up the P.M. River from the outdated WWTP in Scottville. Have the people of Ludington read the DEQ is preparing to force Ludington to update their WWTP and infrastructure? 

The Sierra Club and other groups under them brag they are stewards of our lands. I've proved my stewardship. I hear a mild winter is due, which makes for well packed snow, the snowball got pulled down the hill and has been rolling on that target towards the bottom a long time. It's time to watch these videos and get on that ball rather than end up surprised you, and I mean you, citizens, were in front of it.  JFH

Comment by Jefferson F. Henry on September 24, 2015 at 12:38pm

Thanks XLFD. I do have an old message for Aquaman used in WWII, Nuts!

Comment by XLFD on September 24, 2015 at 1:23am

Don't let the relatively low number of views here and on the Youtube channel make you think that some of the people at the state and local level are not following along.  There is evidence that the message is being received by some of the decision makers and influencing some people, at least with the state.  Persistence pays off, especially when you have the rule of law at your back.

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 24, 2015 at 12:06am

Look at the views on this succer! Yup, about 62 so far, so they, the COL, that's violated ALL the Mich. RULES about their own establishment, have yet to look or care about these illegalities and fragrant violations of their very existence. Well, Ray, what way ye now? Or should I say, Jefferson? 

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 11, 2015 at 11:59pm

Can you elaborate newbie Tamarac? At least give some indication of wth you are talking about. That's a very flimsy and undefined statement. Thanks. 

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 10, 2015 at 2:57am

Sure, we can keep documenting and investigating the illegalities for another 35 years, and I'll live to be 100 before I see any action too. Btw, the COL officials haven't had a good and original idea for many years now. Petunias from Charlevoix, marina ideas from Racine, Wi., Pure Ludington adv. after Pure Michigan, and now, fish town from Leland. Yup, many copy-cats that haven't got a clue when it comes to originality, and history of Lud.. 

Comment by XLFD on September 9, 2015 at 11:11pm

Referring to the bayou area as "Fish Town" is a recent 'innovation' of our community development director and/or the Hendersons, I believe.  As is true of most of their 'innovations', like Octoberfest, Friday Night Live, the New Year's Eve Ball Drop etc. it is derivative of Leland's Fish Town; what fresh ideas our leader have!

I am on the understanding that Jeff Henry has some surprises in store for those officials who want to compete unfairly and illegally with private enterprise and for those who care so little for the environmental issues that are in the background for now and affecting us all.  Until it formally develops, enjoy the buildup and the Transparency series.

Comment by AQUAMAN on September 9, 2015 at 10:49pm

With all due respect Mr. Henry, after all these illegalities on the part of the City of Ludington and the State of Michigan, what do you intend to do about all this? Certainly, a class-action lawsuit is in order, is it not? 

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