The Ludington Torch, Five Years Burning

Event Details

The Ludington Torch, Five Years Burning

Time: December 21, 2014 all day
Location: Right here and all over the E-verse
Website or Map: http://ludingtoncitizen.ning.…
Event Type: five, year, anniversary
Organized By: XLFD
Latest Activity: Dec 15, 2014

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Event Description

The Ludington Torch becomes a five year institution, serving the public interest as a source of news, analysis, investigation, discussion and debate over topics affecting the area and beyond, particularly when they have influence on us. 

The party will feature fireworks displays, free coffee, free donuts and even a free spaghetti dinner (all computer generated, as we are a strictly internet institution). 

Please come and join us that day and offer some content of your own as we chug along into our second half-decade.

We look to migrate to the updated Ning platforms shortly thereafter, and become even better. 

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Comment by XLFD on December 14, 2014 at 11:13pm

If they don't get those spammers under control, I'll be very disappointed.  Being that we're on an old version of Ning, they haven't been developing any anti-spam tech for us for over a year.

Thanks for your encouragement and honest debate through the years, Willy, it always helps when I hear from the people who understand what's going on here; you and Aquaman being the most prolific.

Comment by Willy on December 14, 2014 at 8:38pm

Congratulations X on a fantastic job of being the watchdog for the citizens, many of whom, do not realize what you have done for them while they continue to believe the false propaganda  put forth by local politicians and their partner the LDN. 

I hope Ning will be able to eliminate those darn spam adds that plague this site. 

Attending (2)

Might attend (2)

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