XLFD Sesquidecennial Celebration

Event Details

XLFD Sesquidecennial Celebration

Time: August 25, 2023 to December 31, 2023
Location: The Ludington Torch, Ludington Pitchfork, and several public bodies in Mason County
Event Type: anniversary, celebration
Organized By: XLFD
Latest Activity: Oct 6, 2023

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Event Description

On August 25, 2008, a simple-minded fireman finishing up a 40-mile bicycle ride rode through a clear intersection and then over the next months, rode through a series of unfortunate events initiated by a corrupted city government and court system.  The result:  that fireman became XLFD (ex-Ludington Fire Department) whose main mission in life was to root out corruption stagnating in multiple areas of the county, but especially the City of Ludington.  By the end of the year, he would begin the battle against tyranny, and in a year's time he would create this website, The Ludington Torch which has shined for 14 years, nearly the same amount as XLFD, who will celebrate his sesquidecennial (15 year) anniversary on these pages and beyond.  Our fight against corruption continues wherever it crops up in the county, and even Manistee.

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Join The Ludington Torch

Comment by XLFD on October 6, 2023 at 10:03am

Fifteen years ago, to this day (10-6-2008), I formally resigned from the Ludington Fire Department, unofficially becoming XLFD (aka X-LFD).  I didn't use that appellation until I joined Ludington Talks early the next year.  The sesquidecennial is here.

Comment by XLFD on August 26, 2023 at 10:13am

Time has flew, but be careful: this is not yet the sesquidecennial celebration of the Ludington Torch (that comes next year, 2009-2024, and we will celebrate the whole year-- Willy, you're in charge of getting us an attractive logo that we can put on t-shirts and mugs).  This is less a celebration but more of a commemoration of my transitioning from a rugged firefighter trained to save lives and property into a corruption-fighting pumpkin untrained, but willing to learn the ropes, burn some bridges, and report on the situations in Mason County and the Ludington Torch would make that possible and make sure that XLFD would not die when the other local forums withered away.

Comment by Willy on August 25, 2023 at 11:58pm

It's hard to believe that it's been this long.  I remember when the LDN's forum collapsed then the other forum that was the anti Torch forum caved. You succeeded because the truth was on your side and anyone who was paying attention and was honest about what was happening in local politics knew that. Congratulations on your success and thanks for all you have done.

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