We introduced the 2020 elections in a previous article this one is centered on those races and issues that you will find on your ballot when you go to the polls this Tuesday, if you haven't already mailed in your votes with the new absentee ballot rules. We offer minimal guidance in your decisions, trusting you as the voter to make the best choice from your perspective.
Third County District candidates Castonia and Kirkpatrick
Custer, Grant, and Hamlin Townships each have proposals to raise taxation rates by 1 mills for at least five years in order to supplement the townships income and are effectively renewing an existing millage that has expired. Guidance for voters in those township: approve if you believe the township is doing their job efficiently, vote against if you see waste and improper uses of the money.
The LMTA millage renewal proposal simply renews the millage rates used currently (roughly 1.3 mils) on the jurisdictions affected (the two Mason County incorporated cities). Guidance: Vote yes if you think the service is needed for the community and is being provided cost-effectively, vote no if you think there is a better and/or more economical way to provide public transportation at the same level of service.
The 911 millage renewal proposal is simply renewing a 6-year millage rate of .14 across Mason County to provide funding for Mason-Oceana 911 services. Guidance: Vote yes if you believe the current services and service of 911 meet the needs of the community and that funding through property taxes is fair. Vote no if you think there's a better way or feel the amount raised is too much.
All county races in the primary are on the Republican side. The big county-wide race Tuesday would definitely be the one for county prosecutor. An MCP article asked both candidates the same (softball) questions on variety of topics and is probably the best resource for comparison of the two candidates, Lauren Kreinbrink and Chad DeRouin, two Republicans set to replace the Democrat two-term Prosecutor Paul Spaniola, who is retiring.
Kreinbrink has a Facebook page with videos and other reasons to vote for her, and so does De Rouin. Both are currently assistant prosecutors in Mason and Oceana County respectively. Guidance: Vote for DeRouin if you prefer veterans, a more rounded resume, or looking for a new face at the courthouse. Vote for Kreinbrink if you are seeking change and adaptability, looking for somebody empathic to local concerns/people, and somebody who is endorsed by-- but not a clone of the prior prosecutor.
The County Surveyor race is also contested, with a couple of retirement aged candidates in John Schulke and James Nordlund. Schulke has previous experience in the job in the middle of last decade, Nordlund is one of the principles of the local engineering firm, Nordlund & Associates. Guidance: Both seem to be qualified in the field, Schulke should be your pick if you like his previous work and experience, Nordlund may be a good pick if you'd rather see a qualified newcomer take over the surveyor role.
The District 3 County Commissioner race features long-time incumbent Chuck Lange versus former Undersheriff Jody Hartley. MCP featured a comparison of their views after asking (softball) questions. Guidance: Vote Hartley if you are worried about law enforcement issues being overlooked or think that it's time for a change in district 3. Vote Lange if you believe his work in the county commission, often in a leadership role, is worth rewarding, or if you are worried that Hartley may be too active on law enforcement issues.
The District Two County Commissioner race has incumbent appointee Gary Castonia facing challenger Jason Kirkpatrick in the primary. Castonia replaced Bill Carpenter when he retired to fill out his term, and ran unopposed in 2018. Once again, there was a head-to-head comparison in the MCP which shows their differences. Guidance: Vote Castonia if you think his public and political experience matters and you are in agreement with his positions, vote Kirkpatrick if you want a fresh perspective from a local business owner who can likely represent the interests of the local city wards better than Castonia's record indicates.
Thanks X, for your efforts to inform the public.
The Democrats are pushing for mail in ballots. A move that could end America as we know it. Fraud would run rampant and out of control.
And do not forget, if a poll worker asks you to put on a mask tomorrow, smile roundly and tell them to stuff it. Even Whitmer gets it.
Great reply Lake Lady, I agree totally. "Doubling down" is typical with the Libs. too, and they still don't understand the 2016 results to this day, which is why history will repeat itself in 2020. And I still think the 911 rate is too high, and the workers are all too many times inefficient and disabled in their abilities. Also, I think both Pros. Attorney candidates are far too inexperienced and young to do this job well, he is only 37 with about 6 years experience, she, I don't know experience, but is younger than 37 too.
The results of local elections:
Kreinbrink wins prosecutor spot 61% of vote,
Nordlund wins surveyor with 67% of the vote,
Castonia wins 2nd district commissioner with 55%,
Hartley wins 3rd district with 60%
In other races of note:
Bleau wins PM Treasurer spot with 66% of the vote
911 Millage wins with 81%
LMTA millage wins with 78%
Jack O'Malley crushes Ludington's Carolyn Cater in 101st representative district with 86% of the vote.
Biggest surprise to me was Hartley and Kreinbrink winning by 3 to 2 margins, I thought they would be closer. Though I picked the winner of every race, I most definitely didn't vote for the winner of every race.
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