Windsor's Mayor Drew Dilkens has revealed an international deal brokered between officials in Canada and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a press conference he held yesterday in the Ontario, Canada city he runs.  The bridge between his city and Detroit has been unusable due to a vehicle blockade initiated by the Canadian people inspired by their Freedom Convoy.  

"The State of Michigan and the governors’ office directly have offered to send over heavy equipment to help remove vehicles, to provide security, they’ve offered to do whatever is required to help end this blockade as well", Mayor Dilkens clearly states starting at about 50 seconds into the video below:

Did Whitmer actually offer the Mayor of Windsor heavy equipment to forcefully remove trucks from the bridges?  When asked about whether this was true by WXYZ, Whitmer declined to comment, which tells you all that you really need to know; but if it is still unclear, here is what she said earlier in the day.  

"The blockade is having a significant impact on Michigan's working families who are just trying to do their jobs. Our communities and automotive, manufacturing, and agriculture businesses are feeling the effects. It's hitting paychecks and production lines. That is unacceptable."

Said the same woman who shut down all those families, industries, and the whole state of Michigan when she overused her emergency powers in 2020.

Is the Michigan governor really planning on interjecting herself into the political affairs of another sovereign country?  Is she willing to spill American blood on Ontario soil by risking the lives of Michiganders in enforcing the dictatorial dicta of the Canadian government?   Does she think so little of Canadians to think that they do not have the wherewithal and the heavy equipment to do this oppressive task themselves?

Mayor Dilkens probably echoed the sentiments of our governor when he decried the populist protest:  "We can't just let this lawlessness continue."   But we must all remember, and remember clearly, that Governor Whitmer allowed “lawlessness” to continue in cities in Michigan for months leading up to the last election in Michigan; she even validated the "lawless" protests that left several Michigan cities besieged by rioters, overturned/burning police cars, looted businesses, by joining one herself and showing solidarity.

She had her sadistic fun in using the powers of her office to bring ruin onto the families and businesses of Michigan then, so it should come as little surprise that now she wants to brutalize Canadians taking part in a popular revolt and help Canada's oppressive regime seize property that they don't lawfully have any control over.  

The Freedom Convoy and their offshoot at Windsor have basically only one objective:  to end tyrannical Covid-19 mandates imposed by a government that should know the mandates are patently ridiculous for the health and safety of the people.  The objective of the government appears to be unquestioned blind compliance by their subjects.

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Whitmore loves to grandstand and make herself known as a woke liberal.  She will do anything to grab power and expand her sphere of influence.  She must be defeated and erased from public exposure.

After the riot in Lansing in 2020 she had a huge Black Lives Matters logo painted on the street in front of the Capital. She also fully supports the radical Black Lives Matter organization and it's platform.

She currently is poking her nose into international politics to the north in Canada but like most Leftists she couldn't care less about the anarchy and chaos that is occurring at our southern border in the form of an illegal alien invasion and Democrat sponsored human trafficking.    


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