Is Ludington a charter city as defined by State rules?

And if so what are the laws covering the initiation of local ballot proposals?

Maybe it is time to step up our game.

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Ludington is organized under the Home Rule Cities Act and has a charter that must follow the guidelines set by that act and its amendments over the years.  Here's a link to the full charter:  Ludington Charter.

A dichotomy exists on local laws.  The City Code differs from the City Charter in that the Code is a compilation of all the ordinances the council has passed and amended over the years.  The charter is bedrock rules that cover the rights and duties of the officers, the city and the citizens; these rules can only be changed through the ballot box.

About 20 years ago or more I paid $35 for a city code ordinance booklet, softbound from the COL. Wonder what it costs now? I was surprised they even charged me for that booklet, but, everything they can get money for, including FOIA's, are more icing on their cake imho. I think something like this ordinance book should be free for the asking, if a citizen desires it, else put a copy on the website to print-up.


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