Some people actually shell out good money for the local newspaper to find out what's coming up next at the Ludington City Council. Frankly, as regards the affairs of the city council and the veracity of what's reported in the newspaper the Saturday before the meeting, the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) is an embarrassment. Here's just an example this week of Kevin Braciszeski's desecration of the facts, and exemplification of lackey journalism at its finest, followed by some corrections:
1) The Charterboat Issue:
First off, he accepts the City Manager's premise that the City already has the authority to have twelve charter boats in the City Marina. Second, he characterizes the local private marine owners as "complainers" in the process. Third, he says the only reason the private owners are doing so is because they feel it gives the City an unfair advantage.
Fourthly, when the DNR met with City of Ludington representatives and the private owners, an event that happened at City Hall without the COLDNews present (this reporter was, however), the City Manager says the DNR endorsed cutting the number of charter boats from 12 to 8 in the marina.
Ron Olson, ranking member of the DNR present, and Chief of the Parks and Recreation Division which oversees the Waterways Commission, never endorsed such a proposal, in fact he made his position clear right before that meeting, and didn't back off from it. This interoffice memo, by the way, contradicts all of the claims made by the City Manager and echoed by their propaganda miller. The private marina owners are just asking the City to follow its agreements with the State, which is far from complaining.
To my knowledge, this has been the final written say on the matter of the DNR's stand on the issue, barring any sort of side-agreements the City may have worked out with DNR officials outside of any kind of public meetings. Shay's conversations with charter boat captains can best be declared as hearsay and unlikely to happen in the event the laws are actually followed and the charter boat businesses have to move out of the public marina.
2) Planck and Slagle Drive Closures:
Kevin Brasiczeski then says the council is to vote to consider closing two roads through Cartier Park to vehicular traffic year round. A perusal at the resolution the City Council may pass looks as if what he says is true, because it fits the title and resolution:
But what they really are planning on doing is just closing the two drives in the camping off-season between October and April. As if the locals actually need access to the park then, or ever. I will be putting out a thread on the incredible short-sightedness and stupidity of this move on the morrow. However, if you took the COLDNews article as how it's written, you would be believing they are closing the two drives year-round, which would be silly, because then campers wouldn't be able to enter the park except cross-country or on the bicycle trail. The definition of 'year-round' is "active, present, or done throughout the year" not just part of the year.
The City of Ludington really should have one of those seven attorneys they hire each year take a look at proofreading these resolutions instead of trying to figure out ways to suppress giving out public records to the public. And yet, the FOIA Coordinator change is actually reported correctly by Kevin.
3) Special Assesment for 500 N Rath block property owners:
If I was living in the 500 block of North Rath, I would be scared-- until I considered the source. This special assessment is not for the whole block and a parcel of property parcel owners, this assessment is for just one property owned by someone who lives out of town at 501 North Rath. This is written pretty clearly on the City Council Agenda and in the packet received by council quite thoroughly.
CONCLUSION: Maybe the City of Ludington Daily News should determine that it is time for Kevin Brasiczeski to either get serious and get some more training in reporting the news, or join COLDNews Publisher Jeff Evans in retirement. They could then save some extra money by combining both retirement parties into one, and perhaps use the money saved to enhance their fact-checking and proof-reading.
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