In the thread Creating a monster pt 1, a process was described that started as early as 2-21-2011, with a letter from Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett to City Manager John Shay about a reworking of a Letter of Trespass form that was made originally for private establishments. The next day there was a bit of E-mail traffic between those two and the City Attorney, but there was also something else afoot. A Personal Protection Order (PPO) was being applied for by Community Development Director Heather Venzke against a certain individual who not only happens to be the creator of this watchblog, but happens to be little ol' me.
I only found out about this because I had asked the prosecutor for an investigation to be conducted into why I was not permitted to vote in the November 8, 2011 City election without threat of arrest. When the State Police told me the investigation was closed in December, and that they would not pursue any criminal charges in the matter due to the difficulty in showing an actual intent by the City Hallers to deprive me of the right to vote, I was mildly disappointed. Particularly since I hadn't been asked for any input after my brief E-mail asking Prosecutor Paul for an investigation.
But when I asked Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola with a FOIA to see the investigation records, I got this bombshell 2012 1-28 FOIA Reply PA PS where I learned:
1) "... after numerous non-consenting acts of a stalking nature by the complainant [me] against a City Hall employee"
2) "Furthermore a personal protection order was entered against the complainant upon application of a City Hall employee due to his actions."
3) "Complainant subsequently moved to another location..."
4) "Complainant has furthermore failed to request relief from the no trespass letter for purposes of voting on 11-1-2011. On four previous occasions he had asked for relief and it was granted to him."
All, and more, of which are factually inaccurate. So I then fired back a FOIA request to inspect the PPO and to view E-mails exchanged between County and City Officials that had my name in them. This request went ignored for over 5 business days, so I filed an FOIA appeal to the Circuit Court regarding the County's denial to respond to get these records I considered vital. I wound up being successful in my endeavor-- but more on this later.
I went with trepidation to see how bad of a monster I was at my appointment to review the PPO application (I had found out incidentally that it had been denied to CDD Venzke). Here was the Petition for a PPO Against Staking (Non-domestic) signed by her on 2-22-2011, while her fellow City Hall officials were busy with the second prong of this very personal attack, producing the Workplace Safety Policy. The affidavit she attached was a sworn statement:
In order, some critiques:
1) "Malicious" and "anti-government" is assigning evil intent to my website and the people who post here. Such is not my intent, or any others here-- our intentions are good and we want government to be the same.
2) The links she speaks of are links to the City Assessor site, accessible by anyone for free, provided by the very government she works for. If you own property in Ludington, you can find maps, deeds, specifications of your property, and anyone else's. If you don't like it, like Ms. Venzke didn't, are you "anti-government"?
3) Information was posted concerning her relationship to Nick Tykoski, in the context that she was providing unbid, non-contracted payments to him with public funds, while being affianced to him while buying a house together at a great price. This is public corruption no matter how you look at it, and a violation of several ethics laws, discussed previously.
4) The rest is more of an indictment of our educational system, with her massacre of the words "insight", when she meant "incite"; "residents", when she meant "residence"; "directly" when she meant "directing", and some other grammatical and spelling gaffes.
Nor am I clear as to me being "the author of the above statements." as I would not make such errors, LOL. But the application continued with this three page "PPO Questionairre, Stalking"
Let's sum it up thusly: Never spoken to me, only knows me as a past employee of the City, one admitted contact with me involving a request for information [made by me and addressed to her and Shay about DDA Administrative costs jumping from $10,000 to $30,000 without any new programs or rationale], and I only communicate on my website.
She intimates that she was perhaps targeted by me, but the DDA series I had made up to that point, prior to the fifth episode, was targeted on the use of public resources by public officials to the advantage of private interests, many of which were other members of the DDA. Furthermore, the fifth episode indicted the full DDA for not recognizing the ethics violations or properly stopping it and/or reporting it. But the DDA is her livelihood, so I can see her uneasiness.
She then included about 40 pages of 'supporting documents', which included the Ludington City Assessor's total website on her property address, part 5 of the above series, and various other entries by me and others that was supposed to display the mob mentality that was insighted {sic}, beginning with this entry by Aquaman where she highlighted the last two sentences, and put in the margin: "threats they are capable of". Pretty tame to what I see on Facebook, and not a threat, as I see it. But the rest of the attachments were even less harmless, and made her point a bit absurd, by the end.
But I wasn't the only one who thought so. The judge who received her PPO was one I have had a history with, that isn't good. He sat in judgment at my bicycle/ stop sign hearing back in 2008 that I requested and promptly lost even though I had shown several points of fact that invalidated the legitimacy of the sign.
I had requested the district court to show that this probate judge had jurisdiction over the hearing, and they failed to do so, and I was found in civil contempt of the court when I defied his court order, which was effectively illegitimate. I had reported him to the Judicial Tenure Commission, an act which didn't endear me to him, a fact he made known in the next hearing. All in all, we have had some differences. But in spite of that he denied the PPO the next day, citing: "Respondent has not engaged in conduct that falls within the statutory definition of stalking and/or is Constitutionally protected activity."
And so Plan A was denied, thus Plan B ( the WSP) needed to be applied. And even if you, I, or a Judge that has ill-feelings towards me can see that there was not any problems with what content was placed on the Ludington Torch by me and others, the full choir of City Hallers were all for calling my behavior "threatening and intimidating" and having the local paper publish that "fact", they also maintained to a person that it was necessary to do so, and not worth reconsidering.
This is how the City of Ludington operates; which is why I think the PPO placed on a Grand Rapids native in January who had the audacity to lead a protest against the way the Ludington Police Department conducted their investigation into the Baby Kate case in October, was created to discredit her (in Re: April Reynolds).
It worked darn well for me for a year, but I will snatch my good name back from these tyrants if I have to spend all the time, spirit, and money I've got. And that fact alone, makes me the Most Dangerous Man in Ludington to those who wish to violate their Oath of Office as a public servant, if they even bother to take one, in Ludington.
Thanks for updating your battle with the corrupt City Hallers. I'm glad you are determined to see this thru, not only for yourself but for every other citizen. When I read the "memo. warrant action" all I could say is what the h-ll is going on. Spanolia has entered into the public record a document that claims you are guilty of stalking a City employee and that the work safety ordinance was created because of you. I can't begin to tell you how damaging this is to your reputation and how badly it would appear to an impartial citizen who has no knowledge of your predicament. If Spanolia was a fair person, he would have looked into the entire situation but instead he only added fuel to the fire with his memo by putting unproven criminal acts that he claims you have committed into an official document. There now exists, at the State level, documentation that you are indeed guilty of everything the City claims against you. He doesn't use the words "alleged, possible", or any other words that would indicate that the charges against you are unproven and only speculation but he does say your complaint about wrong doing by the City are alleged. This is very serious. As part of your settlement, after you have won your case, you must have that slanderous memo deleted from the public records? Spanolia is no friend to the citizens of Ludington or to the truth.
Yeah - If I was you I would be pretty pissed that Spanolia entered wrong information in a public document - that claimed the was a PPO issued against me.
Even though there has been remedies to this supply of misinformation to the investigators of my complaint already granted by the Circuit Court, I am looking to have Prosecutor Spaniola more seriously reprimanded for his libel.
Such a document submitted to an investigation designed to look into improprieties of the other side could cloud their focus, and such bias shown by the prosecutor could make some serious problems for his professional career when the Federal investigation looks into this. BTW, Citizen John Shay serves on two County Boards.
It's a shame but Ludington is full of dishonest, lying, self centered, cheating, corrupt politicians from from top to bottom. I Wonder if the State Police did a shoddy job on your complaint and practically ignored you because of that memo. Ludington's citizens should hang their heads for allowing these people to stay in power. I wonder what has become of the newly elected City Councilors. Have they been turned to the dark side as well or were they already there and are fitting in just nicely. I would make sure that all the information you have gathered is in a safe place where none of those politicians can pull a "watergate" and sabotage your quest.
Two of the new City Councilors, Nick Tykoski and Les Johnson, are Ludington DDA members for at least four years, and well involved with the corruption and cover-ups of that organization, as has been shown here before.
Richard Rathsack I hear from good sources, was Paul S. Peterson's hand-picked successor, and has been fully briefed on the 'evilness' that I represent courtesy of other City Hallers. Speaking of dark side, the picture to the left was created at the web site at the bottom of the picture, by morphing Star Wars' Darth Maul with John Shay-- "Darth Shay". Much like Heather Venzke was morphed with the Scream painting above. Most of my information is in a safe place, and backed up electronically and least in duplicate. As a further safety precaution, I have most information stockpiled in an E-mail account, complete with notes, accessible to certain others, just in case I meet an untimely end or unwarranted incarceration.
"The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards, as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission." --John F. Kennedy
Press on. The other side is in a losing position.
The memo has been amended as per Judge Cooper of the Circuit Court, to reflect the realities of the situation, but the non-amended memo is still with the MSP and in State records, along with anyone else who requested it. But you are absolutely right about the lasting impact on my character its three months of existence presents, and which I will seek further relief, in subsequent actions.
Court actions, like FOIA requests, are similar in that as a result of making one, you may open up the basis for another-- or more. I have shown this video before, with candidate Spaniola and then Prosecutor Susan Kasley-Sniegowski (now Ludington City Criminal Attorney), where they explain what led to the discord between the two that led to his dismissal as an assistant prosecutor. Or at least she does.
Starting at about 2:05 into the video, after a rambling response by now-Prosecutor Paul, then-Prosecutor Susan actually answers the question, saying that the reason their relationship changed was that Paul began to not only disagree with her, but also disregarded her instructions, hiding them from her, and making decisions on cases contrary to her instructions. He then made it a practice to publicly criticize her, and her decisions, after which she corrected him on the case he brought forward, and schooled him on the business of prosecutin'. The guy isn't qualified to be dog-catcher, let alone a county prosecutor, in my opinion.
I have re-read this numerous times and it never ceases to amaze me that city officials granted a LOT based on her complaint. In her own words she has stated the only contact you made with her was through an email requesting information. The only one she mentions as threatening is Aquaman. I may not agree with you on a lot of the issues, but this just seems like a horrible abuse of power.
Lisa, that's the main reason I'm publishing this information. I am a private person, and I would not normally publish such stuff, but this is the horrible abuse of power which my own City has done at the behest of some hireling from midstate whom the records show has violated several ethics standards (Venzke), being directed by two hirelings from southeast Michigan (Shay and LPD Chief Barnett), and assisted by a hireling law firm from Manistee.
It can quickly make you xenophobic and to want local elected officials-- but this all happened while my fellow citizens, the Mayor and the City Council, thought it was a grand idea.
When Venzke bats those over-painted eyelashes and struts her stuff, those boys at City Hall take notice, drop chins and tongues, and take action as she requires/requests, no questions nor legal authority needed. Good thing some at the courthouse didn't get their bunge straps in the same twist, and could still interpret the law as dictated legally. Nice text by Venzke, she writes like a flunked out 5th grader, or worse in grammatical error, which probably goes to show why she reached the high ranks of power at city hall to begin with.
Character assassination by committee. If some creep like Spaniola-- who happens to hold the title of prosecuting attorney -- made such a statement about me that had so many obvious factual miscues in it, I would seek to have him ousted from his job like that blond broad did in the video. Can you recall a prosecutor?
The Citys part in the whole smear campain is just as obvious. Heather Venzkes childishness is not only on full display with her preposterous PPO application but for actually thinking that her office as a public servant has no public scrutiny. This is not an 'anti-government' site, this is not a site with a bunch of hotheads taking unwarrented potshots at public servants, this is a site based on open discussion and open government.
Venzke don't think so, Venzke don't play that. She will spend all the money she gets from the Ludington area taxpayers lavishly, just like that buxom vixen Anna Marie Smith(?) did with the old rich guy's money that she married and became the trophy wife to.
Your comment belays a double standard, Larry; you say a morph of Heather with the "Scream" painting may be a form of harassment, and yet you are mum on the morph of John Shay with decidedly evil Darth Maul being harassment to John Shay. Neither is the case. This is a series on Creating a Monster, where I portrayed myself as a 'monster' in the prior threads, created by a City more intent on keeping its secrets hid than in following the rules and observing the basic civil rights of all Ludington citizens.
I note that the content of Heather's PPO application, or the basis of the Letter of Trespass applied to a Ludington citizen, does not interest you as much as a morphed photo in claiming harassment may be taking place to a public official. It betrays where your loyalties lie.
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