Hoping that some of this money the COL is trying to collect is going to clean the Creamy corners/PM bayou mess as described by the DEQ it its latest 480 page report that the COL requested. Have waited patiently for 2.5 months and have seen/heard no clean up plan. The COL has a marina and need it full so I guess that is why they have no regard for us, a mom and pop operation just trying to make its way. DNR, DEQ, city/state government, why are you not trying to help tax paying businesses out? Why does it seem so blatant that the COL and Mason county are corrupt? And the bigger question is why can no one expose and correct the issues there? Why do they have all of the power? Who out there can help us?
I don't know if it's too old to post now, but when XLFD ran for city councilor at large a while back, the city threw up numerous unethical and illegal blockades at him, as well as the media crony LDN threw up editorials that were very harmful and hateful. It was a total barrage of impediments to keep the status quo alive. Not to mention threats and intimidation by LPD and others. Gastly and totally uncalled for in a free republic where votes matter and count in elections. It's in our archives jfc, maybe someone more talented can guide you to those days of elections. Notwithstanding, there are many others here that should come forward and run for office now, as things are sliding downwards everyday the current regime is intact.
I just wonder how much of that is still the same now with Trump having the momentum he has, this post alone is over 700, people there care and want change. The question is will THEY, the people, stand up and demand and support the change? The time is now!
I don't understand how X managed to continue his fight against all the crap that the blowhard Council, crappy Mayors, Shady Shay and the lowly LDN thru at him. The fact that he was banned from City Hall was as about as outrageous as any political B.S. ever pulled in this City. As a matter of fact on a scale from 1 to 10 it would have to merit a 10+. The insulting comments, falsehoods, untruths and slander printed about X in the LDN ranks up there with gross incompetence and indecency. Add to that the bonehead Council who would insult X with idiotic comments at the close of the meetings and who would not afford X a rebuttal to those comments also showed just how shallow and corrupt they were. And to top in off, the City Inspector was ordered to remove X's campaign signs, when he was running for the Council, which were placed on his supporters from yards. These people who are in charge and who are supposed to be honorable representatives along with the local newspaper have shown everyone exactly who they are, self centered, hypocritical, low lifes.
It's not easy. Especially after tonight, where I learned that someone who has had an even bigger battle with corrupt public officials than myself has called it quits and has given up the good fight. I will report on it tomorrow, after I get back my composure, and fully assess the situation.
Thanks Willy for pointing out all the deficiencies that XLFD had to encounter, and there was even more than that too. Now look at all the trolls that have appeared again, to get all this info. off track for anyone looking in at this moment. It's simply incredible the extremes the corrupt city officials go to, to get the info. covered up and lost. Yes, can you imagine your own signage for election being removed from lawns and properties where you have permission to post them, then find shortly after they have been removed? Not just a coincidence, but a planned sabotage. I posted signage myself, with permission from an owner of a motel on Lud. Ave. and Lakeshore, only to have it removed 6 times, and the owner had no knowledge of it at all. This is what you are up against, same as Trump, people want the truth buried, along with any candidates that want change against corruption and lying. XLFD even had signage removed from his parents' house, and threatened with civil warrants and arrest if they got reposted. He even took pictures of this incident, an old man, sent on a mission, not of help, but sabotage to subvert an election. Yes, this actually happened in our home town now, Ludington, by down-state aholes that run things around here now. 752 more views, mostly that of cronies at city hall, and on city/state payrolls, that are spying here because they are paranoid, and get paid for it at the same time. Real good usage of taxpayers monies again.
It should be noted that Yeti woman Holman only votes NO on any subject matter that negatively affects her money base of retirees that signed that petition against the rental inspection ordinance. If not for that, she would without any doubt vote YES for anything. She's a two-faced hypocrite on anything that happens at city hall. Against locals having a voice in government, and against any FOIA info. being released, and that's not ethical, nor reasonable.
Odd that the original FOIA request I sent I got a response in less than 8 hours. I have sent it twice over the past 7 days and still have got no response? Hmmm is someone suppressing this report? Thankfully I printed it, twice, all 480 pages, and saved it on hard drive. Good for lawyers to peruse, sure is in a nice binder. Guess that at over 800 views maybe I have ruffled some feathers. I will press on, things need to be righted in Ludington! ASAP
Getting upwards of 1,000 views now jfc, maybe someone out there is watching, for fear of truths getting known by the general public. Time to take the smirks off the city manager and attorney now. They are the ringleaders of unethical local governing, along with some long over-termed council members.
Yes this has moved past anything that I expected when I posted it! Btw, thank you for the referrals in your message, going to look into. All my life I was always irked how the Ludington snobs looked down their noses at anyone near the 4th ward. Even our councilman wont contact me back. I hope that the views are because people really care for this area of this beautiful city. To borrow a Trumpism, lets make this part of our city great again! The time has come. TBH there is no where in the city that is nicer or safer weather-wise then the pm bayou and the areas east and west of the bridge. Guess Ludington is upset they were late to the game and the private owners got all the prime real estate. Accountability is coming. All the money spent on the city marinas and if the playing field was level they would be empty and the marinas spoke of would all be full. Not to mention any other illegality going on like the charter boat issue there, so much wrong!
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