I would like to support in my yard

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Give me a call at 690-8214 at a reasonable time of the day, Ace, and I'll hook you up with one or two.  That goes for anyone else as well, until the inventory is depleted. 

Keep an eye on them, City Hall looks to be enamored by them.

From the looks of it this late afternoon, I'd say Shay can plainly see two signs from his lovely comfy office window right now....lol.
I hope they can train one of the many City Hall cameras out towards these signs.  Not just because I want them to catch the culprits if they are tampered with, but also so City Hallers can admire them without having to crane their necks out the window.
If you want a Rotta sign, look in Shay's garage.
I need more sleep, I missed that obvious line, Willie, LOL.

If you don't want to give your phone number to an addled individual, I can also be reached here via the "send a message" option, or you can email me at tomrotta@yahoo.com  I still have some signs available, but there have been a lot of disappearances of my signs over the last week.  I do appeal to the guilty party or parties to please allow me the common courtesy of leaving my signs alone. 

My campaign committee is under strict orders to leave all conforming signs alone, and to not report any so-called right-of-way violations of signs by anyone, since I believe that temporary campaign signs on private property, even on the easement/ROW of that private property, are in compliance with the city code.  Private property is private property, for the sign ordinances.   


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